Art Barr
taryn is stupid hot
I just saw her cut one of the best return promos ever.
This chick is still so scary hof good it is crazy.
Art Barr
taryn is stupid hot
This kid in ove is the first wrassler I ever seen who desired to be a world champion every movement in an around the ring as a sure fire thing.
Art Barr
impact just had their best show in years. shyts heating up over there. the roster is great right now
Yeah it is.
And it happened so quick too.
4 weeks ago, shyt was garbage, now it's the best thing going
impact is awesome again. the only thing i wanted them to do was put the belt on eli. hes my favorite wrestler in the world right now. hes a mix between ec3 and the rock. dude is gold
That promo Eli opened the show with was 80's Ric Flair like. I enjoyed that a lot
That whole Richard Justice segment was hilarious.They signed dikk Justice?