'The Knick': Cinemax Orders Script for Season 3 Premiere (EXCLUSIVE)
Don't know what to make of this. Sounds like Owen is done with the show at least but we might get some new iteration of The Knick. Maybe a time jump or something? If Soderbergh is out as well I wonder if they'd go the route of getting a big name director to do all the episodes again.
I don't know how I feel about that

. The star of the show was really Soderbergh's directing, along with Clive Owen. Anyone else behind the camera would definitely result in a different show as his DNA was in every scene. Even if they got another acclaimed director, I would rather he be behind the camera.
I definitely did not see the finale going down like that

. I knew the ratings weren't great, but all things considered it definitely felt like a series finale and if it doesn't come back it ended on a hell of a note and has been a great 2 seasons.
It is only fitting that Cocaine Thack would be the cause of his own demise, done in by his drug addiction, grief over the loss of Abby, and his own hubris. This dude really was committed to performing surgery on himself in front of an audience

. That whole scene and the moments leading up to it were hard to watch, The Knick really works as a horror show with all the graphic surgeries and tremendous buildup of tension. A shame more people didn't tune in on a weekly basis, if this winds up being the end.
Also a shame about Algernon

. A brilliant surgeon battling racism left and right, forced to put down the scalpel and practice medicine in a different field because of that racist cac Edwards. At least he still has Opal.
His former girl Cornelia fled the damn country to escape from her possible rapist father-in-law, controlling husband and murderous brother

Henry sure made the switch from fun loving porn enthusiast to evil villain with the quickness. It looks like he found a solid match as Lucy has climbed her way into high society, one step or should I say one foot (inside Chinese man's mouth) at a time. Lucy was like you're not going to treat me like some side piece and keep me in the guest house, better be planning to marry me

If only Barrow had some of her smarts. Trust your money and house to a whore who will leave you at the first chance brehs

. Brag about how many X-Rays you've had while wondering why your hand is developing sores

Everett leaves to spread his poisonous thinking to Germany
Cleary being the one to drop a dime on Harriet and getting her kicked out of the church

. I really thought he was being a good friend by having her back, while he was making amends for putting her in the position in the first place.
"This Is All We Are" was a dark finale indeed.