Not understanding what you're saying here, hows Rafa an old man when he is the same age Djokovic with only a year apart
"old man" refers to decline ..
you mean to say that this cover (written for a young teen audience) would "confuse you" to the point where you "couldn't figure it out" by yourself

HINT: logan even when "young" was old in number of years.

lawd ha mercy ..

please don't come back with anything about the ages of decline. we are talking about the lack of competition (for whatever reason).
and won 15 slams during his peak with him
Plus again look at those first 12 cupcakes fed had
if you want to argue against my position then deconstruct the overarching argument.
soundbites and random "gotchas" don't cut it.
simply put: (nadal case)
nadal had to deal with peak fed in his prime and peak joker in his dotage.
surely you can see why that represents more GOAT level competition for nadal overall than joker got with old men fed and injury prone declining nadal through joker's prime .. and no competition barely in his late prime now (so far).
yeah i understand that people love superlatives but this is obvious
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