It's a tough decision for a few reasons.
1. The Saphire card I bought for around $9,000 back in May 2021.
2. The Canary Diamomd card, I bought for around $12,000 back in November 2021.
I would love to make that back and then some. However, I know people might not be incredibly high on Lamar right now. The reason I'd be more open to selling them now, even at a loss, is that if I believe the stock market and crypto markets recover this year, I'd rather take a little less now foe the cards for large gains in those markets versus waiting another year, possibly selling the cards for more than now, but missing large gains in those markets.
I received a few offers for the canary diamond one. The highest was around $5,000 or $5,500.
I won't auction the Lamar cards right now. I have it as fixed price and taking offers.