Socialism and Communism/Marxism are mutually exclusive....yall get that, right?
Social Democracy, yeah. The rest of it? No, it's not mutually exclusive. It's heavily influenced by Marxism.
Socialism and Communism/Marxism are mutually exclusive....yall get that, right?
Therefore, post New-Deal America is a largely Socialist nation.In some ways you are correct but they are closely intertwined on a lot of fronts. There are a lot of different socialist models too.
Marxism is more of a way of life, a philosophy, that works upon Socialism. You can advocate socialism without advocating Marxism, that is correct.
Marxists hated Social Democrats, and saw them as traitors/collaborators. Anyone claiming to be a Marxist should pick up a weapon and start their bloody revolution. That's precondition #1.Social Democracy, yeah. The rest of it? No, it's not mutually exclusive. It's heavily influenced by Marxism.
Therefore, post New-Deal America is a largely Socialist nation.
I mean, I'm pretty Rawlsian in how I see things and in the end he saw property-owning democracy and democratic socialism as perhaps the only two ways for his conceptions of a just society to work. I think what gets lost in the fact that many people on here are definite and obstinate in their stances is that I'm probably more left than most people on this board, and in life generally. I'm just more willing to empathize with perspectives than my own and my critiques come from what I think is feasible because I think you and others cover saying what should be. Somebody's gotta be somewhat contrarian because the Coli conservatives areMy fault. I hadn't seen you post much on socialist leaning stuff, but I'll @ you next time.
This sums up where I'm at for the most part when it comes to the socialist spectrum as well, generally. Reading Rawls Senior Year wasI mean, I'm pretty Rawlsian in how I see things and in the end he saw property-owning democracy and democratic socialism as perhaps the only two ways for his conceptions of a just society to work.
Will someone please think of those poor Scandinavian children? Poor kids over there will go to bed hungry tonight because the rations were low today and the universal healthcare death panel has put them on a mandatory death diet.
How did you guys come to your current political views? @ everyone in this thread not just the socialists... we're you like this in college/highschool etc?
Sweden is a Social Democratic country. They actually are not as "Socialist" as people think. What you guys really want is Social Democracy. Yet, you guys keep rambling on about marxist nonsense.
This sums up where I'm at for the most part when it comes to the socialist spectrum as well, generally. Reading Rawls Senior Year wasto me, perfect compromise for me as far as a relatively 'realistic' social goal in the near future
Not to mention these sweeping reform policies were compromised and didn't always hit everyone (I think I remember for example rural Blacks losing out on some New Deal reform in order to get the legislation through)
How did you guys come to your current political views? @ everyone in this thread not just the socialists... we're you like this in college/highschool etc?
I used to be what you would call a "conservative" when I was young... like 11-12-13-14-15 (I was a braniac kid so I followed politics)... I rooted for Bush over Kerry in 2004 and supported the Iraq war (again I was a kid)
As I got older in highschool I fell into conspiracy theories... 9/11 stuff () and became a Ron Paul stan like heavy in the game from like 16-18... I still didn't really care about economics or how things like that worked so I thought Libertarianism was very rational, and it is at face value.
From like the financial crisis onward, I really wanted to understand what happened and I think that single event taught me more about anything than my years at college ever will. I formed my entire ideology based off really what happened in those few months and from then the missing pieces of the puzzle started to all fill in. I still am very hawkish probably because of my conservative leanings of the past and I am very pro liberty but I think the reality of the true workings of the world were made clear by the Lehman Collapse.