I lucked out getting the NES classic on the first day by just waiting in line at Target but I'll definitely be pre ordering this time.
I get that they're trying to generate buzz but this would sell even without it.
Brand wise, imo Nintendo is trying to keep the nes classic.
from being in the same perspective as the standard dollar store Atari emulators.
That clutter up the shelves of most big box style stores.
Not to mention, Nintendo already been through and was kinda the source of the whole shoppers violent frenzy back in the old school mall and big box store black Friday stampedes origin wise as well.
So, they are not trying to have their brand take a nose dive in the grand scheme of things.
Nor are they trying to lose the whole aura of being the originators of the store stampede anyway as well.
So,I just look at it as Nintendo doing what they know how to do and like to do to keep the actual video game industry alive.
As real talk,...
Video games would not even exist.
if not for Nintendo solely making the nes and calling it a game console verbiag wise.
So, at the end of the day.
I look at it as Nintendo still knows how and what to do to get a certain brand based aura.
To keep videogames alive where they are.
Plus it is kind good to see them still know what to do to that is needed.
Even if newer consumers don't see it.
Art Barr