The OFFICIAL SD Spoilers Thread 10-5-12

Sierra Mist

May 13, 2012
Barret isn't over. People will ignore that and say Drew Mac Part 2 is the FUTURE JOEY!!

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

Vince McMahon opens the show. He says he's here to give Booker a surprise job evaluation. There's too much chaos on both shows and AJ is already on probation and Booker could be next. Booker T. comes out and says he can do better, he just needs to iron out a few kinks in his administration. Vince brings up the attack on Randy Orton, the ongoing litigation between Sheamus and Del Rio, an angry Big Show, the unchecked actions of Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins and the wanton destruction wrought by an emotional Ezekiel Jackson and his associates Heidenreich and Snitsky. Booker says he will suspend Jackson, Heidenreich and Snitsky indefinitely along with Ambrose and Rollins. McMahon disagrees with the suspension of Ambrose and Rollins and says Booker just needs to keep them in line as they have unlimited upside.

An emotional Ezekiel Jackson comes on the stage flanked by Heidenreich and Snitsky. He is sobbing and begs McMahon for mercy. Vince says Booker has spoken and he supports his decision. A distraught Ezekiel Jackson storms the ring but McMahon calls for security and he, Heidenreich and Snitsky are dragged backstage by over a dozen security officials and wrestlers.

Big Show then comes out talking about WWE Hell in a Cell. This prompts the World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus to come out. They exchange some words back and forth, and then Sheamus tries to keep peace with a handshake. Instead Big Show hits him with the WMD and leaves the ring and heads to the back. Vince McMahon taunts him with his 45 second loss to Daniel Bryan being shown on the tron. He comes back into the ring, and threatens McMahon and Booker. Sheamus tries for the Brogue Kick but ends up hitting Booker and Vince instead. Show hits Sheamus with another WMD.

1. Prime Time Players defeat Kofi Kingston and R-Truth. This advances Prime Time Players to the next round of the Tag Team Championship Tournament. The crowd was into Kingston and Truth. The match lasted about ten minutes, and went through what was said to be a commercial break. (Derrick mentioned that the announcer's stopped talking and the match slowed down considerably.) Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins attack all four men after the match. Ambrose gets on the mic and says they can drown their sorrows with chicken and grape soda. Rollins adds don't forget the watermelon. HUGE mixed reaction for Ambrose and Rollins.

2. Ryback defeated Primo. This was the typical squash match for Ryback. He hit a clothesline, and then connected with Shell Shocked. Ryback got on the mic and ran down Tensai after the match.

3. Layla defeated Alicia Fox. Layla and Fox worked pretty well together, hitting a few athletic moves. Alicia started off beating down Layla, but Layla would hit a spinning kick to her stomach and then hit her finisher. Eve Torres was on commentary, so it looks like Layla will get getting her rematch soon.

4. Wade Barrett defeated a jobber. Barrett not over AT ALL. Crowd was silent.

-Shown on the tron is CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler for the main event of the night.

David Otunga came out and talked about how they beat down Randy Orton last week. Alberto Del Rio came out and mocked Orton. Booker T booked them in the following tag match.

5. Kane and Daniel Bryan defeated Alberto Del Rio and David Otunga. Del Rio abandoned Otunga. Team Hell No won with a chokeslam by Kane followed by a top rope head butt from Bryan. Orton attacked and beat Del Rio backstage.

6. The Miz defeats Sheamus by Disqualification. The Miz was getting beaten down for the majority of the match. Sheamus hit chops to Miz's chest, and then was setting up for the Brogue Kick. The Big Show came out and hit a WMD Punch on The Miz, causing the DQ. Sheamus was mad, looking onto Big Show.

7. Tensai defeated The Big Show by disqualification. Sheamus came out and hit Tensai with a Brogue Kick. He basically did the same thing Show did earlier to cause the DQ. After the match Ryback ran out and brutally beats Tensai. He had to be stretchered out.

8. WWE Champion C.M. Punk defeated Dolph Ziggler. Not much heat for this match due to both being heels. Ziggler almost had the match won after botched interference from Heyman but Punk managed to reverse Ziggler's sleeper into the GTS. Punk and Heyman argue after the match with Punk pushing him down.

Cameras cut to the backstage area where both Booker and Vince McMahon are lying in a pool of blood, an iron phallus nearby. Emotional and demented sobbing can be heard in the background.

More of that Complete Zeke piff. :win:


Your objective semi-troll
May 9, 2012
:laugh: @ needing a tag champ to put over a WHC contender. Terrible.

ADR been wiping guys clean and no one still cares.

Kid Kash

Time for the Moneymaker
May 2, 2012
Sheamus came out to hype his PPV match with Big Show. He did a story about one of his Irish family members but Show interrupted him. Show called him a pathetic world champion who went from beating up jobbers in ECW, the one he made famous, to winning the WWE title, KOTR, Royal Rumble, and beating Daniel Bryan in 18 seconds and no gives a crap. He's had the most forgettable WHC reign ever. Show said the WHC title may as well be the European Title or the silver ECW belt. It means nothing when he's holding the title. Show said for all the hype, all the accolades, all the wins; he doesn't have one truly standout moment. The closest he's come is the win over Daniel Bryan, and that was only due to Daniel Bryan becoming a major star after the loss. Show said he's been putting in work for 12 years and he has never gotten all of the opportunities Sheamus has because he wasn't hanging around with the right people. Show said that when he beats Sheamus at HIAC people are going to forget his terrible title reign and Sheamus is going to go back to carrying gym bags for people that matter.
I was hoping that this was real and DB tapping to ADR was fake...turns out it's just the other way around... I really lost faith in WWE now.


Legalize us.
Jul 8, 2012
The North
Ezekiel Jackson emerges as a locker room leader after this storyline, mark my words.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

My storylines can't be beat. If they can't book Ambrose and Rollins to my standards don't even call them up to the roster.