The OFFICIAL SD Spoilers Thread 10-5-12

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Michael Cole came out pre-show, selling the effects of the attack on Raw. Massive heat on Cole.

Alberto Del Rio opens with a recap of his attack on Sheamus on Raw. Ricardo Rodriguez is missing. Sheamus’s music hits, but it’s Rodriguez dressed up like Sheamus, including bright white tights and shirt to emulate Sheamus’s skin. He does a hilarious imitation of Sheamus as Del Rio interviews him. The real Sheamus comes out, and they end up brawling up the ramp. Teddy Long appears, dressed in a normal (for him, not for the rest of us) suit but with the big nametag. He says that the show is in his hands tonight, per John Laurinaitis, and he’s booking Sheamus vs. Kane as the main event and Del Rio vs. Khali to open the show immediately.

(1) Alberto Del Rio beat The Great Khali via submission. Del Rio attacks Khali’s knees, then softens the arm, and Khali taps to the cross arm-breaker. Rodriguez interferes a bit, too. Typical “smaller heel beats Khali by attacking the knees” match. The crowd goers nuts for Khali, I don’t get it.

Baskstage, Cameron dances for Teddy Long, and then Brodus Clay shows up. Long tells him that he is now permanently on Smackdown. Clay gets serious and says that he will treat his opponent tonight as if he is Big Show. Naomi and Ziggler show up and call Clay a joke. Ziggler says Clay is lucky he's on SD permanently because if he shows his sorry fat ass on RAW again he's going to beat him worse than Big Show. Clay goes to attack but Naomi stands in front of Ziggler. Ziggler threatens Clay with paralysis if he lays one hand on his nubian queen.

(2) Brodus Clay beat Derrick Bateman. Bateman gets squashed by Clay in a minute or two, then Clay dances with kids. I am a huge fan of both of these guys, but I was sad to see Bateman tossed out here like this. Big Show comes out and has a stare down with Clay. Zigger runs in and chokes Clay with a Bullwhip. Big Show knocks out Clay with the WMD and crushes his throat with a chair. He is stretchered out. Naomi offers to dance with one of the crying kids but they refuse. Ziggler spits on him.

(3) Sin Cara beat Drew McIntyre. This was basically a spotfest to make Sin Cara look good. McIntyre did his role like a pro. Sin Cara botched one move badly and McIntyre acted like it connected, very awkward. Sin Cara won with his DDT finisher.

Post-match (and not likely to go on TV from what I can tell), McIntyre cut a promo demanding that an authority figure come out and explain why he isn’t in the main event status. Triple H came out, hit a Pedigree. Damien Sandow confronts HHH and gets a pedigree for his trouble. When both men recover they state the joke is on HHH because they enjoyed it.

(4) Ryback beat Two Local Jobbers. You’ve seen this match before. Of course, the jobbers were from Clemson to get the Columbia audience riled up. Ryback changed it up a bit to keep the match formula fresh. The crowd loves Ryback, lots of “Feed! Me! More!” and “Finish It!” chants.

Backstage Orton is preparing to give an interview when he is attacked by Lord Tensai. Tensai spits mist in his face and chokes Orton until he passes out. Sakamodo presents Lord Tensai with a ceremonial cane and he pounds Orton with it. Orton has to be assisted by the trainers.

The crew was setting up for the Peep Show, but deliberately didn’t finish in time so Cody Rhodes could come out and destroy the half-assembled set. He ranted about Christian, who then came out. Rhodes reminds everyone that Christian was last seen as a heel, and says that no one is buying it. Christian finally explains his turn, and says that when he inducted Edge into the HOF, he had a moment of clarity and realized that he wants to be remembered for being a winner of championships, not someone who always whined for “one more match.” Good for them to do this. Dolph Ziggler interrupted for his match with Christian.

(5) IC champion Christian beat Dolph Ziggler in a non-title match. Good, long match. Christian won at the end with the frog splash. The crowd struggled to get into it, though. Post match Naomi attacked Christian with the IC title and Ziggler gave him the zig zag. Cody Rhodes came out and used a razor to cut Christians face. Refs and officials had to pull him off.

It's announced that Orton was injured in the attack by Lord Tensai and will be out indefinitely.

Raw Rebound.

Michael Cole got on the mic and asked everyone to “move on” past the mess from Monday. Heidenreich and Snitsky appear on the TitanTron. Heidenreich asks Cole if he's moved on from their encounter? Cole wets his pants. Snitsky says that Ezekiel Jackson is too distraught to appear tonight. Daniel Bryan is failing him and that harlot AJ is to blame. Snitsky says that he would love to taste AJ's feet, but doesn't know if attached to her body or not. If she doesn't stay out of Bryan's way he'll just have to find out. An inconsolable Ezekiel Jackson appears and sobs uncontrollably and says Bryan better win or he'll end up like Kofi and Cole.

JR’s music hit and the crowd went NUTS. Hornswoggle came out dressed as JR, and people were pretty disappointed, actually. He bantered with Cole. Damien Sandow came out and verbally eviscerated Hornswoggle. Quote of the night: “I am the avenging sword of taste and decency.” I want a shirt that says that. Tyson Kidd saves Hornswoggle, and Sandow leaves the ring. As Kidd and Hornswoggle celebrate, Sandow sneaks back in and beats up Kidd, hitting his neckbreaker finisher and doing the lazy sprawl on Kidd, then a cartwheel. His boyfriend Drew McIntyre comes out and hugs him. Sandow states that he never liked president Obama, but admits that it takes an enlightened president to endorse his alternative lifestyle and even an inferior ape like Obama can be right once in his life. He says the redneck homophobes in the audience should follow his lead.

Backstage, Striker interviews Kane. Basic “I’m going to get the title” promo from Kane. Striker asks about the look between Kane and A.J. on Raw, and Kane ignores it and stomps off. A.J. then appears from behind some crates. Wow, she’s stealing Johnny Curtis’s gimmick!

Teddy Long on the ramp introduces Antonio Cesaro and “his lover, Aksana.”

(6) Antonio Cesaro (w/Aksana) beat Jimmy Uso. Quick squash for Cesaro, who looked like a million bucks in victory. They forced Teddy Long to raise his hand at the end. Cesaro looks at Teddy and grabs a handful of Aksana. Teddy pouts.

Sin Cara is found laid out in the back with an iron phallus lying nearby.

(7) World Hvt. champion Sheamus beat Kane via DQ. About what you’d expect, right down to the DQ finish as Del Rio cleared Kane from the ring and beat up Sheamus. Kane re-entered, cleared Del Rio, but then A.J. made eyes at him from the ramp, letting Sheamus beat up Kane and send him packing. Snitsky sneak attacks AJ shattering a glass phallus across her face. A distraught Ezekiel Jackson appears and pulls tissue from his trunks and stuffs them in AJs mouth. Heidenreich is shown in the back watching with a disturbed Daniel Bryan.

Close show.

After the taping, Teddy Long comes out and says there must be a winner, and books Sheamus–Kane in a steel cage match for the World Heavyweight Championship. After they set up the cage, Arn Anderson comes out in a ref shirt as the “guest enforcer” (more like a guest referee). He bans Jackson and Snitsky from ringside.

Dark Match: World Hvt. champion Sheamus beat Kane in a steel cage match with Arn Anderson as special referee. Back-and-forth, and Kane pushed Double A, so Anderson low-blowed Kane, letting Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick for the win.

Biggest Pops
- Lilian Garcia (no lie, the roof blew off for her!)
- Triple H
- Great Khali
- Finish of the post-taping dark match
- Sheamus
- Ryback

Best Heat:
- Big Show
- Dolph Ziggler
- Ezekiel Jackson et al.
- Drew McIntyre

Thanks to Wrestlezone Reader Mark G. for the following results:

A.J. opens up Smackdown, but Vickie Guerrero comes out to interrupt calling out Dolph Ziggler. Dolph Ziggler follows with Naomi. Vickie attempts to slap Naomi but ends up slapping A.J. instead. C.M. Punk comes out and talks about tonight's tag team match. plugs the main event tonight, which brings out Daniel Bryan. Sheamus comes out last and they all are talking about tonight. A.J. says she wants a piece of Vickie.

1. Dolph Ziggler & Daniel Bryan defeats C.M. Punk & Sheamus. Naomi distracts Sheamus, which leads to Ziggler getting the pin. After the match, AJ and Naomi go at it. Kane comes out to save A.J. Punk, Bryan, and Kane fight until Kane hits a chokeslam on both guys. Great match with a lot of solid ring work. The crowd was into this throughout.

2. Brodus Clay defeats Heath Slater. A typical squash match with Clay winning with the Funk It Splash. Slater cut a promo before the match making fun of Clay for losing Naomi and that she picked the wrong white boy.

David Otunga runs out and beats up Brodus Clay a little. This is to set up the preshow match for Sunday.

3. Beth Phoenix defeats Alicia Fox. Layla was on commentary, as Phoenix made quick work of Fox.

John Laurinaitis comes out and apologizes for Big Show hitting Vince McMahon on Raw. Big Show is called out, and he talks about not being able to be himself.

Damien Sandow and his boyfriend Drew McIntyre are grooming each other when Sin Cara barges in accusing them of laying him out last week with an iron phallus. He pulls a gun and threatens both men before leaving.

4. Christian defeats Jack Swagger. Christian picks up the victory with a Frog Splash. Dolph Ziggler runs out and gives Zig Zags to both men. Cody Rhodes enters through the crowd and puts a bag over the fallen Christian calling him a disgrace.

Backstage segment with John Laurinaitis and AJ. She wants a match with Naomi and Vickie and will do anything to get it. She attempts to kiss him but he smacks her. He says her gimmick won't work on him. She can have the match without all the poor theatrics. AJ looks confused and hurt as he walks away.

5. Ryback defeats two jobbers. Ryback dominated the match like usual

Post match Heidenreich and Snitsky walk down the ramp as Ryback is leaving. Heidenreich has a brief staredown with Ryback but no blows are exchanged. Heidenreich and Snitsky have the WWE tag titles they stole from Kofi Kingston and R-Truth a few weeks back. They declare themselves the new tag team champions since R-Truth had an unfortunate accident on RAW. The Usos attack from behind but are quickly overwhelmed and brutally beaten. Heidenreich shoves a marble phallus down Jimmy Uso's throat forcing him to gag. Snitsky calls him a ghetto gagger.

6. Damien Sandow defeats Tyson Kidd. Sandow controlled the entire match, winning in under two minutes. After the match his boyfriend Drew McIntrye comes out towel him off. They call out Sin Cara and replay the footage of being threatened at gun point. Sin Cara comes out and through a Mexican interpreter states it was not him that threatened them. Though they will pay for attacking him later. After he leaves two men in Mexican paramilitary gear attack Sandow and McIntyre. They sprinkle a powdery white substance on their bodies.

7. AJ vs. Naomi vs. Vickie Guerrero. This match was made by John Laurinaitis at the request of AJ. Vickie is knocked out cold by Naomi as soon as the bell rings. AJ and Naomi have a good match with Naomi winning by submission with a stretch muffler. After the match Heidenreich, Snitsky, and an emotional Ezekiel Jackson run in. Jackson shatters another glass phallus on AJ's face. Kane and Punk attempt to run in but are beaten down by the tag champs. Daniel Bryan appears on the ramp but is too shaken to come into the ring. A distraught Ezekiel Jackson cradles AJ in his arms sobbing. He yells he didn't want it to be this way but Daniel Bryan is his and no one can take that away from him.

Backstage Sandow and McIntyre are shown talking to the police and INS agents

John Cena comes out and says he is looking for The Big Show. Laurinaitis comes out and says that he sent Show home for the night. Laurinaitis warned Cena about attacking him, but Cena laid out Laurinaitis. This ends this week's Smackdown.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
ECW DVD commercial airs.

Booker T comes out to a good reaction. Michael Cole comes out with a lot of heat to join Josh Matthews at ringside.

A video for WWE13 airs starring CM Punk. Very well done.

Lilian Garcia comes out. She welcomes us to Smackdown.

Smackdown begins. Daniel Bryan will face Kane tonight. Sheamus will face Ziggler.

Teddy Long comes out to a really good reaction. He informs us that John L. has been fired. HUGE pop! The GM for tonight is Mick Foley.

Big Show comes out. Someone in the front has a sign that says Big Show is the K-Mart of wrestlers. Ha. Show grabs the mic. He's getting lots of boos, you suck chants.

Show: I don't care that John L got fired. I don't care about him or you (BOOS). I only care about me. (You can't wrestle chant, and WHAT). Show says if we listened we wouldn't have to ask what.

He congratulates Cena for escaping the steel cage with the help of 6 other people.

"I'd crush him one on one. You know I'm telling the truth. I don't care about him anymore (Cena chant). I'm moving on. I'm throwing my hat into the Money in the Bank match. No man in that match or after can stop me. I'll be champ as long as I want to be. I'm not doing it for the locker room, WWE, or you. I'm doing it for me. It will be all mine."

Brodus Clay comes out. He gets a BIG pop coming out. Amazing. Show attacks him as he enters, but actually knocks him over. Otunga runs in and clips him from behind. Show measures Clay, who sells the knee, and kicks him in it. Somebody call his momma. Show boots him in the gut. Another, "You can't wrestle" chant breaks out. You will hear this on TV. It's loud. Who are they yelling at? All 3??? Show hits the WMD to a chorus of boos. He's really getting a ton of heel heat. Otunga stares at Show going up the ramp.

Otunga: "Well, Brodus, somebody better call your mama. Get up so I can show you how this done. Hit the music." He mocks Clay's dance horribly, then just poses.

Ryback's up next.

Joe and Broni hit the ring. Jared Walkler and Frank Valencia? The say they are hot, on the rise and this will be the summer to remember. Ryback gets a nice reaction. He wins with a two person Samoan drop in 2 minutes after all the usual stuff. The crowd chants feed me more with him. After the match Heidenreich stands on the stage and glares at Ryback menacingly and licks his lips. Strange but the crowd liked it.

Mick Foley is chatting with Yoshi Tatsu backstage when Vicki Guerrero buts in. She says that next week she will be GM of both shows. Mick suggests Khali should be her assistant. They do a Dude Love dance together.

Del Rio's MITB commercial airs.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian is next.

Daniel Bryan says in 1000th Raw moments video that the HBK vs. Jannetty match was one of his favorite matches. Good choice Bryan.

Footage is shown of Sin Cara being detained by Police and INS agents after the incidents last week.

WWE Intercontinental champion Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo) - An early enzigjuri gives Alberto control, but Christian suplexes him over the top and splashes him all the way to the floor. Del Rio dodges a charges and Christian goes flying into the ring steps. Christian makes it back in at 9. Alberto starts working over Christian's left arm with moves Daniel Bryan would do better. Alberto goes to the top rope, but Christian counters into a top rope hurricanrana. He jumps to floor, hits the punch, misses a top rope splash, dodges running enzigjuri. A few moves later Christian has the clap going, but Alberto does an over the shoulder arm breaker. He misses a second rope SENTON. Christian sets up he spear, gets superkicked, gets hit with Del Rios top rope enzi. and taps to the cross arm breaker in 8:40. Cody hits he ring and clotheslined Christian from behind. He locks on a cross arm breaker of his own. He fights back but is launched shoulder first into the ring post. Cody gets on the mic and tells two baggers to cover up Christian's shame and walks out to his own music as baggers cover Christian with a white sheet.

National Guard commercial airs. Lilian extends a thank you to the National Guard. USA chant.

WWE airs stock footage of the Harbor. You know it's stock because the Star Spangled Sailibration is going on right now, and the harbor is filled with tall ships.

Kane vs. Daniel Bryan - AJ is the special guest time keeper. Great reaction for Bryan. On the floor Bruan drop kicks Kane into ring post. Running drop kick gets 1 count. Kane hits a few power moves for a two. Kane to top rope. Bryan hits mid air drop kicks. Lots of Yes chants during Bryan's kicks. Bryan to top, but slips, comes up short. Hits top rope missile drop kick (expect an edit in post production. Big boot takes Bryan down. Bryan with big kick to side of Kane's head. Bryan back to top. Goes for headbut, but Kane punters into choke. Bryan goes for yes lock, Kane counters into chile slam but. Ryan counters into guillotine. Kane escapes, Bryan rolls through, applies Yes Lock. Kane fights for rope, but doesn't make it. AJ rings the bell and Bryan celebrates. The ref says the match isn't over and Kane hits chokeslam for pin in 7 minutes. AJ skips out. Good match! Man, Bryan is good.

Heidenreich and Snitsky run in and beat down Kane and Bryan.

Snitsky tells the crowd that "Ezekiel Jackson is too distraught to appear thanks to the loss Daniel Bryan suffered at No Way Out."

Heidenreich states that "Daniel Bryan, your suffering has only just begun as well as the suffering of those closest to you. All distractions will be eliminated."

Mick Foley is next.

Mick Foley comes to the ring. He's limping around but is in good spirits. He thanks Jon L for being so lame that he's been fired. Foley pauses to speak to a tech at ringside. He has to do the intro again.

Heath Slater comes out. He came out to make a formal proposal. Cindy, Roddy and Wendy embarrassed me.

Mick says Cindy is formidable and there is no reason to be embarrassed. Mick announces Heath's opponent is Zack Ryder. Zack gets a really strong reaction. This was a total squash. Zack wins with the Roughrider in about a minute.

Raw Rebound airs, reviewing Jonny's firing.

Be a Star commercial airs.

Mick walks through the halls with Zack celebrating. They run into Sandow and Drew McIntyre. He calls Zack "the worlds biggest miscreant." While Ryder is distracted Slater sneaks up and smashes a guitar over his head. Foley yells at him but Slater is unphased. He tells Mick that he's not fukking playing around anymore. Refs and trainers come to assist Ryder.

A review of the tag match at No Way Out is shown. A sign in the audience says "Bring back Moppy."

The Usos vs. Prime Time Players (AW introduces the "future WWE champions", hashtag "millions of dollars") - AW distracts the ref allowing Young to crotch one of the Usos on the top rope, allowing Titus to hit an elevated spinebuster for the win. Heidenreich and Snitsky meet the Players on the ramp and congratulate them on their win. They are attacked by the Usos but gain the advantage with Jimmy being thrown into the stairs and Jey sent through a table.

A No Holds Barred DVD commercial airs. Zeus lives!

PTP and AW are rappin about millions of dollars when Primo and Epico attack them in the back to a good reaction. Epico smashes a watermelon over Titus O Neal's head.

Santino comes out to do a "kiss cam" like deal where he tried to find the best sign. A woman (plant) with a I heart Santino sign comes into the ring. They are both wearing cobras and their hands kiss. Then she grabs him and kisses him with such intensity that he passes out.

A backstage segment is shown where an ambulance is backing slowly into the loading bay of the arena. Kane gets out and opens the back revealing a gleeful Ezekiel Jackson. Heidenreich and Snitsky arrive dragging a drugged AJ behind them. They all climb into the back and Kane drives off.

Sheamus vs. Ziggler is next.

A commercial for Raw's 3 hour expansion is aired.

Dark segment: Jack Swagger comes to the ring, grabs mic. "that's right, say my name. I'm the Captain of the Combover, the All American American American Jack Swagger. I should be on this show in the main event, not Ziggler. There's greatness in me that wants to have spending money and get out and buy a new pair of shoes. I'm more man than anyone backstage. I do not suck. Look at my hair. It's like an ocean of blond riding on lightning."
HHH's music hits to a MONSTROUS reaction. He asks for the mic from Sawgger, hits him with a crystal phallus and Pedigrees him. The music only stopped for 10 seconds. The crowd loved this! HHH picks up the phallus and remarks, "You'd be surprised what they make these out of." HUGE POP.

Mick Foley is out for a dark segment. There will be a handicap match. Show and Otunga will face Cena. Johny was locally advertised for this match, but Foley said he wouldn't be appearing since he was fired. Foley is wearing tie dye, and if I'm not mistaken, slippers.

Highlights of Punk on Fallon are shown, but only his entrance.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Sheamus - Sheamus gets a really nice reaction, second best of the night behind HHH. There's a sign that says Gingers for Sheamus. Dolph stars with a go behind, roll-up, and some an exercise taunt in the corner. There are Fehling let's go Sheamus/Ziggler chants. Sheamus brushes off a drop kick and hits a rolling senton. Dolph counters with punches and kicks. He kicks Sheamus in the throat and dodges a charge . Sheamus falls to outside. Dolph launches. Sheamus was supposed to catch him, but he botched it, so they redid the spot. This time Sheamus caught him and threw him through the barricade for a big pop. They fight on the outside. Back in the ring, Dolph tries to secure a chicken wing, but Sheamus launches him WAY UP over the top and to the floor. Sheamus argues with Vickie while Dolph nails a wicked famouser from the apron to the floor. Great spot! Dolph can still only get a one count after a big elbow. Let's go Sheamus/Ziggler chants are loud and split 2 to 1 in favor of the Irishman. Wih Sheamus draped over second rope, Dolph hits a falling drop kick from the apron to the floor. Nice! Sheamus fights back with his power moves , but Ziggler counters a move into a jumping DDT. Sheamus is up top. Ziggler launches with a flying forearm that Sheamus smacks away. Dolph hits hard. Top rope shoulder block from Sheamus to Ziggler for a two count. He then hits the ten shots to the chest in the ropes. If you need to do a role break by five, how does Sheamus always get to ten? Dolph hits some elbows to the head. Sheamus powers off limping, turns around and hits a sudden Brouge Kick for the pin in 11:05. Crowd pops big for this. This was another really good match.

While Sheamus is celebrating Naomi runs in from the crowd and kicks him in the balls allowing Ziggler to give him a zig zag to a HUGE mixed reaction. Naomi brings Ziggler the Heavyweight title and they pose with it. Crows is going INSANE.

Overall, I think this was a strong show that, live, had a number of nice surprises. There are at least two matches you must see with the Christian Del Rio match being good as well.

Bonus live match

John Cena vs. Big Show and David Otunga - Otunga to start. A "You Can't Wrestle" chant starts. Let's go Cena chants are way outnumbering Cena sucks chants tonight.

David backs off and tags in Show. Show knocks Cena down and steps on his stomach. Show tries to shushes crowd and hit the slap in the corner. He tries again but Cena counters into a drop kick. He goes to slam Show, but he buckles and Show gets a 2 count. Otunga tags in and works a side headlock. Cena fights up, but Otunga takes him back down. It's clear that Otunga is very limited as a worker. Cena escapes and clotheslined Otunga over the top. On the floor Show throws Cena into the stairs. David gets a two count on Cena. Show tags in and goes for a second rope splash, but Cena rolls away. Otunga in now. Cena hit clothesline, shoulder block, 5 knuckle shuffle combo. Show comes in and hits the WMD on Otunga by accident. Cena hits a big AA on Show, who rolls to the outside. Cena covers Otunga for the pin in 6:45. Big Johnny's music hits. He comes out with a steel chair and attacks the prone Cena to a chorus of boos. He raises the chair again, but Cena ducks and hits the AA. Tensai ambushes Cena and hits the Baldo Bomb on Cena knocking him out. Tensai gets on the mic and goes on a tirade about New York and says the crowd isn't going home happy tonight. End show.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
-WWE Divas Champion Layla defeated AJ after Daniel Bryan distracted AJ by running around ringside chanting "YES! YES! YES!"

-Following the match, Daniel Bryan calls out this week's Interim RAW and SmackDown General Manager, Vickie Guerrero, and says he is holding the show hostage until she appears. Bryan and AJ then engage in a dueling "YES! YES! YES!" chant until Vickie interrupts them. Bryan tells Vickie that for his WWE Championship match against CM Punk at Money in the Bank, he wants AJ banned from ringside. Bryan says the talk with Heidenreich and Snitsky opened his eyes and that AJ is a huge distraction and is costing him title opportunities. Vickie, however, reveals that per the results of a poll, AJ will serve as the Special Guest Referee for the match. Bryan then leaves the ring chanting "NO! NO! NO!" Following Bryan's exit, Vickie announces that over the next two weeks, qualifying matches will take place to see who will represent SmackDown in the World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

-Damien Sandow defeated Zack Ryder after his boyfriend Drew McIntyre hit Ryder with a lead phallus to advance to the World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Post match Sandow choked Ryder with a beaded necklace until the two masked Mexican Federal Police Officers ran into the ring and sent Sandow and McIntyre running. They helped Ryder up only to beat him down and sprinkle a white powdery substance on his body before leaving. Heath Slater sneaks into the ring with a guitar a stands on top of Ryder's body and "treats" everyone to a concert. Trainers and refs come to attend to Ryder and shoo Slater away making him angry. As Ryder is being stretchered out Slater attacks the officials with his guitar and then rolls Ryder off the stage onto the concrete floor. Huge heat on Slater. Wonder who Ryder pissed off backstage.

-Sin Cara is shown backstage talking to the two masked men in spanish.

-Tyson Kidd defeated Jack Swagger to advance to the World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Following Swagger's loss, he began to cut a promo about his hair, but was interrupted by WWE Hall of Famer Jerry "The King" Lawler, who came to the ring and laid Swagger out before hitting him with a fist drop from the second rope. It is not known whether this segment will air on television or not.

-Backstage, Dolph Ziggler is in Vickie Guerrero's office with Naomi. He is upset that Naomi wasn't included in the Diva's match on Monday saying she looks better and wrestles better than any of the pale, skinny, reject catalog models pushed down the fan's throats. To make up for the exclusion, Naomi demands that Vickie ban Sheamus's Brogue Kick and Alberto Del Rio's Cross Arm Breaker in the main event tonight. Vickie says she's playing by the rules tonight as she's trying to impress the board. Ziggler says he is more important than Vickie, which results in Vickie slapping Ziggler. Naomi attempts to attack Vickie, but Ziggler stops her. He tells Vickie that's okay, he'll handle things tonight but he wants her to come down and personally declare him the new World Heavyweight Champion when he wins the match to shove it in her face he can have a legitimate reign without her.

-WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian & United States Champion Santino Marella defeated Cody Rhodes and David Otunga to advance to the World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Following the match (in what is likely to be an off-air segment), Otunga told the crowd he wouldn't be leaving without doing some flexing. Triple H then came out and hit the Pedigree on Otunga. Otunga spilled out onto the floor before being hit by Booker T, who then entered the ring and did a Spinaroonie.

-A backstage segment between Daniel Bryan and AJ is shown. Bryan asks AJ why won't he just leave him alone? He says that she's gotten multiple phalli to the face, kidnapped and possibly raped and yet she still is in love and trying to get back with him. AJ says that maybe she likes a phallus to the face every now and then () which draws a huge pop and Phallus chants. But she says that this is bigger than Bryan and she is happy to be out of his shadow. She's the one people are checking for and Bryan is just a hanger on in the picture. The conversation is then interrupted by Kane who tells AJ it was nothing personal last week, just business. AJ says there are no hard feelings and gives Kane a kiss on the lips and tells him good luck in the MITB match. Kane says his ambulance is always open if she ever needs some healing. She says YES YES YES as Kane smiles and walks away. Bryan says she has issues but he knows a doctor who can help her because people who care about each other help each other. AJ responds just smirks at Bryan, tells him to go wash his cape and walks away. () Bryan turns around and sees a deranged Ezekiel Jackson staring at him wearing only the old ECW belt (). Snitsky is with him and says that Bryan is very close to getting the Kofi Kingston treatment and he better hope that AJ is on his side during the match at MITB.

-Ryback defeated two local stars in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match. Post match Heidenreich gets into the ring and comes nose to nose with Ryback. The crowd goes apeshyt but once again no blows are exchanged. Heidenreich gently caresses Ryback's head and leaves the ring. Ryback for the first time is visibly shaken.

-Teddy Long announced that he will be the Interim General Manager of next week's RAW and SmackDown. He also announced that on next week's live edition of SmackDown, Antonio Cesaro and Teddy's ex-girlfriend, Aksana, will team up to face WWE Divas Champion Layla and The Great Khali.

-Tensai defeated Justin Gabriel to advance to the World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Sakamoto was in Tensai's corner, despite the beatdown he received from Tensai a while back. CM Punk attempts to attack Tensai post match I guess to get him back for an attack a few weeks ago but is easily overwhelmed as Tensai throws him over the ropes and into the announce table knocking over both Booker T and Cole. Booker T gets up and gets in Tensai's face but Sakamoto hits Booker from behind and spits mist in his face.

--In the main event, Sheamus defeated Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio to retain the World Heavyweight Championship after pinning Ziggler. After the match Vickie Guerrero comes down to the ring to gloat but his knocked out in one punch by Naomi. After they leave Sin Cara and the two masked Mexican Federalis stand on the stage and through an interpreter Sin Cara tells Del Rio that is time is nearly up and if he fails again he is going to take an acid bath. End show.

Smackdown SPOILERS 7/13

Smackdown started off right after Raw went off the air.

(1) Alberto Del Rio beat Sin Cara via armbar submission. Interesting note Sin Cara was escorted to and from the ring in handcuffs by INS, DEA, and FBI agents.

Big show and Zack Ryder were shown backstage, with Show saying he should be Smackdown GM instead of Ryder. He threatened to KO him, but out came Great Khali. Ryder informed Show that he was his opponent tonight.

(2) Primo (w/Epico and Rosa Mendes) beat Darren Young (w/Titus O'Neil and AW). Primo got a roll-up pin to upset D-Young.

World Hvt. champion Sheamus was shown with Ryder along with Jericho backstage. Sheamus challenged Jericho to a match, and Ryder made it official.

(3) Dolph Ziggler w/Naomi & Cody Rhodes beat U.S. champion Santino & IC champion Christian. Ziggler got the win with a roll-up.

Daniel Bryan is shown backstage looking sullen and sulking. Ryder runs into him and they exchange words. Bryan pins him against the wall. Ryder reminds Bryan that he is acting GM for the night and he better watch his step. Bryan says he doesn't care and he's going to unleash his frustrations on someone tonight. Ryder thinks it's a good idea and books him against Ryback.

(4) Big Show beat Great Khali in two minutes. Show KO'ed Khali, who got a loud pop after initially knocking down Show.

Bryan is shown backstage preparing for his match when he is knocked out by a suited Snitsky via giant scepter. He is then slowly dragged away.

WWE promoted the Money in the Bank PPV pre-show match of Kofi & R-Truth vs. Hunico & Camacho.

Before the start of the Ryback vs. Daniel Bryan match, an elegantly dressed Heidenreich delivers a hand written note to the ring announcer. It states that Daniel Bryan has more important obligations and therefore will not be able to face Ryback. Heidenreich gets on the mic and pulls out a brick of money stating that whoever face Ryback in Bryan's stead will get 50,000 dollars. Outcomes Tyler Reks.

(5) Ryback beat Tyler Reks. Heidenreich and Ryback had another intense staredown as he entered the ring. Ryback actually had to work for the victory, as it wasn't handed to him. The crowd was still chanting Goldberg's name, but everyone was chanting, "Feed me more," by the end of it. After the match Heidenreich goes nose to nose with Ryback and brushes shoulders with him as he goes to talk to Reks. He reaches into his suit jacket and instead of money, he pulls out an iron phallus which he uses to knock out Reks. He pulls Reks out of the ring by his dreadlocks and tosses him into some ring steps.

(6) Damien Sandow beat Justin Gabriel. Sandow put on a great match, dominated most of it, and ended up winning.

A contented Ezekiel Jackson, Heidenreich and Snitsky are shown eating a large dinner in an opulent locker room. Daniel Bryan is also there. Jackson encourages Bryan to enjoy himself with food and drink. Jackson says he's been watching Bryan, even when he and his handlers take small vacations, such as last week, he's watching. He has a set of eyes always watching Bryan. And he doesn't mean Heidenreich and Snitsky. He saw what happened on RAW, and his first thought was to brutally beat and molest Bryan, but decided against it. He realizes that Bryan is a confused and desperate man, and desperate men will do anything to achieve victory. He urges Bryan to use the confusion and desperation in his heart to win Sunday night and he wishes him the best of luck. Jackson, Heidenreich, and Snitsky toast to Daniel Bryan's victory at MITB PPV. Snitsky informs Bryan the meat they're eating is rump roast and they'll have another dinner party after the PPV. Bryan will either be the guest of honor, or the main course. Bryan is visibly disturbed.

(7) World Hvt. champion Sheamus beat Chris Jericho in a non-title match. Very exciting match - the best of Smackdown. After surviving not one, but two Walls of Jericho, Sheamus came back with a Brogue Kick to win. A great 18-minute match.

Alberto Del Rio came out to attack Sheamus at the top of the ramp. He gave him a cross-arm submission. Sin Cara and the two masked paramilitary men confront Del Rio and state that everything changes unless he wins the title Sunday. The two masked Federalis jump Del Rio and leave him laying, a white powdery substance is sprinkled on his body.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
SmackDown opens with the Chairman of the Board Vince McMahon, who announces that the new GM of SmackDown is a man who will call it down the middle… Booker T! Booker comes out to a nice pop. Alberto Del Rio comes out and starts talking. Out comes Sheamus, who tells Del Rio that he’s happy about his upbringing and that he’s not a rich punk like Del Rio. Booker tells Sheamus and Del Rio that they have single matches tonight before being stopped by Del Rio, who says he will not wrestle until SummerSlam. Booker tells Del Rio that he’s the new boss and tonight he faces Randy Orton. Booker then tells Sheamus that he will face his opponent right now and it’s… TENSAI.

* World Hvt. champion Sheamus beat Tensai in a non-title match. Early on, Tensai used Sakamoto as a human shield before throwing him against the barricade in a laugh-out-loud moment. Also of note, Tensai’s belly is so floppy that it has bruises all over it. Then, Tensai’s stomach started bleeding. The guy looks like a mess. Tensai hit the Baldo Bomb for two. But, Sheamus with the Brogue Kick for the win. Hard-hitting, entertaining match. Pretty fun.

Eve hit on Booker T backstage and sucked up to him as she tried to get a job in his administration. Teddy Long was offered a Sr. Advisor to the GM job. Booker gave Teddy the chance to tell Eve that there are no more job openings.

* Antonio Cesaro beat U.S. champion Santino in a non-title match. Cesaro came out to almost no reaction, then said hello to the crowd in five languages. Santino had the win with the Cobra, but Cesaro’s foot was under the ropes. Cesaro then hit his finisher for the win. Cesaro's associates Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose came out and berated Santino after the match, saying he was the worst US champion of all time and an embarrassment. Santino looked emotional as he went to the back.

Kane, Jericho, and Christian vs. Miz, Bryan, and Ziggler is apparently next. Kane’s pyro being set up.

Matt Striker was backstage with Daniel Bryan and he showed a recap of Monday’s Raw with the doctor. Striker asked Bryan if he has any thoughts and he said no. The camera panned out and he had a “No No No” t-shirt. He told the crowd not to chant “Yes”, and said that he will be saying “no” more often. Of course, the crowd chanted “yes” much to his dismay.

* Daniel Bryan, The Miz, and Dolph Ziggler defeated Chris Jericho, Kane, and Christian in a six-man tag. The heels won when Bryan rolled up Jericho after a distraction from Ezekiel Jackson.

Striker interviewed Randy Orton backstage and welcomed him back to the show. Orton mentioned Alberto Del Rio being number one contender for the World Title. Orton said he’ll defeat Del Rio tonight.

WWE announced that Survivor Series is coming to Indianapolis on November 18. The password for the pre-sale is “series”.

* Ryback beat Jinder Mahal via DQ. The crowd was into Ryback, but barely any Goldberg chants. Jinder hit Ryback with a mic for the DQ. Mahal then ran up the ramp in fear of Ryback. While Ryback was distracted he was attacked by Heidenreich. After an intense brawl refs and other officials break them up.

Backstage Daniel Bryan runs into a gleeful Ezekiel Jackson. He says there's no need for Bryan to fear him. He's calm and medicated and happy that his two friends are about to make a big impact. He says that he's not interested in Bryan anymore since he's no longer a championship caliber talent but since he's still a fan he'd like to form a partnership, hence his earlier interference in Bryan's match. Bryan reluctantly agrees.

Prime Time Players came out for the next match. Yes, A.W. was mic’ed for sound.

* Darren Young beat WWE tag champion R-Truth. A.W. introduced his team, as usual, and used his headset mic at ringside. Lots of shenanigans. Young won in about two minutes after five distractions.

Heidenreich and Snitsky come out on the stage and address the Players and Kofi/Truth. They remind everyone they stole the real tag titles two months ago and no one remembers or even cares that phony titles have been in circulation since. Snitsky says Big Show destroyed the whole tag team scene and no one cared. They throw the tag belts into the crowd and rush the ring. All four men are destroyed by Heindereich and Snitsky. Heidenreich gets on AW's live mic and says they just committed a lynching. He is attacked by Ryback from the crowd who gets the better of him and Snitsky. Loud feed me more chants.

Raw recap next, then the main event. Ricardo Rodriguez came out to introduce Alberto Del Rio.

Layla congratulated Booker T backstage. Cody Rhodes confronted GM Booker T. Booker announced Cody vs. Sin Cara for next week. Booker quotable: “I didn’t call you sucker. I called you sucka.”

Before the match, Rodriguez stated that despite the events of the previous week, he's had a change of heart and Del Rio is more valuable to him alive than dead and he's going to stand behind his lieutenant.

* Randy Orton beat Alberto Del Rio via DQ when Ricardo Rodriguez interfered. Ricardo entered the ring and attacked Orton as he was going to set up the RKO, which caused the DQ finish. They both went up the ramp when Sheamus ran down behind Del Rio, threw him inside the ring, and into Orton’s RKO. Orton posed on the ramp but was attacked by Camacho and El Diablo Negro (Maven). Sheamus tried to interfere but was assaulted by Hunico and El Gringo (Luke Gallows). After the assault Ricardo and his cartel pose on the ramp.

Dark Main Event

* John Cena def. Big Show and Cody Rhodes in a handicap match

Michael Cole came out to boos. Brodus Clay's disco ball is hanging above the ring. Lilian Garcia made her entrance.

Booker T came out and discussed Sheamus stealing Alberto Del Rio's car at Raw. He said he wanted an apology from Sheamus, who made his entrance and apologized. Sheamus said he was only apologizing because he respected Booker's position....for now. Booker takes offense but before anymore words can be exchanged Del Rio interrupted and wanted to press charges. He insulted Sheamus and got in Booker's face. Booker announced Sheamus vs. Del Rio for the World Hvt. Championship will take place on tonight's show.

1. Sin Cara defeated Cody Rhodes. Rhodes said Sin Cara wears a mask due to him being ugly and cockeyed. They used the stupid Sin Cara mood lighting again. A good match. Cody kept trying to get the mask off of Sin Cara, but it eventually led to him being rolled up for the pin. After the match Cody snapped and destroyed the ringside area. We'll see if it leads to anything.

2. Christian defeated Antonio Cesaro. Antonio said victory in five languages.
Christian was way over. Good match back and forth match. Cesaro shows promise. Christian speared Cesaro and got the win. Cesaro beat up Christian after the match. It looked as if Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins ere coming out to help but they attacked Cesaro instead saying he was a loser and no one cared about him. They then beat down Christian. Ambrose gets on the mic and says they have no allies, everyone from John Cena to Daniel Bryan are going to feel their pain.

3. Randy Orton defeated Jack Swagger. Orton was in control from start to finish in the short match, which ended with an RKO.

Booker T and Teddy Long spoke in an office backstage until they were interrupted by Tyler Reks and Curt Hawkins, who asked them about opportunities. Booker said they have the look, but they can't seem to get the job done by beating Ryback. Booker said he wants A-plus talent.

4. Jinder Mahal beat a pair of local wrestlers. After the match, Ryback entered and ran off Jinder. Ryback demolished the local wrestlers. The crowd was very into the "Feed Me More" chant. Heidenreich attacked Ryback from behind again but Ryback was able to turn the tables until Snitsky hit him with a chair.

Jericho introduced The Highlight Reel but was interrupted by Vickie Guerrero. Jericho called her Dolph Ziggler's mother. Vickie said she was there to expose Ziggler but threatened to walk off show if Jericho kept insulting her. There was a recap of Dolph losing on Raw with the Tout finish. Good back and forth mic work. Well kinda, Jericho was good. He claimed that Y2J is back. Ziggler jumped the barricade and attacked Jericho from behind. Ziggler caught him with the Zigzag and then hit him with the Money in the Bank briefcase. Vickie got in Ziggler's face until Naomi came and knocked her out with one punch.

5. The Primetime Players (w/A.W.) defeated Primo and Epico by DQ to become No. 1 contenders to the WWE Tag Titles. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth were on commentary. There was no sign of Rosa Mendes. A.W. threw water of Kofi and Truth. The tag champs beat down AW in the ring until he escaped. The Players won the tag match via DQ. Primo and Epico looked upset with Kofi and Truth for costing them the match. Possible triple threat for the tag titles?

Eve attempted to sweet talk Booker into giving her a job, but Booker said nothing is available. Kaitlyn entered the room. She will face Eve next week with the winner of the match becoming Booker's assistant.

6. Rey Mysterio defeated The Miz in a non-title match. A very good backd and forth match. Mysterio looks and moves like he did ten years ago. Miz did well also. Mysterio won with a roll up. After the match, Triple H came out and Pedigreed The Miz in a segment that probably won't air on television.

Booker T and Teddy Long are found laid out in Booker's office. A Swatiska flag is draped over the bodies and the room has been destroyed and ransacked.

Daniel Bryan made his entrance to major heat. Great mic work by Bryan promoting his match at SummerSlam. Kane entered and then A.J. came out to my surprise. She flirted a little and was very complimentary of Kane. She asked Bryan to shake Kane's hand and he said No!!! She demanded that he shake Kane's hand. Kane and Daniel Bryan fought a little. Bryan rolled out and jumped the barricade. A.J. was on the stage laughing. Bryan yelled they haven't seen the last of him tonight. Kane exited.

7. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio for the World Hvt. Championship. Del Rio wore black and it fits his character better. The police showed up to attack Sheamus before the match (apparently they were hired by Del Rio). With Sheamus down, Del Rio locked in the Cross Arm Breaker. The match never got started. The show ended with Sheamus clinching his arm.

Cameras cut to the backstage area and Kane is bloodied and laid out. An emotional and deranged Ezekiel Jackson stands over him clutching AJ by the throat. End show.

Dark Match

1. John Cena beat Big Show and Dolph Ziggler in a handicap match. CM Punk runs out but gets an AA for his troubles. Daniel Bryan attacks Cena from behind with Ezekiel Jackson and they are working him over when Kane makes the save. Heidenreich and Snitsky attack Kane and Cena but then Ryback makes the save running off the heels. The faces celebrate until Cena gives Kane the AA. He gets on the mic and says it took him awhile, but he finally embraced the hate. Ryback got an AA as well and Cena left after posing for the crowd.

Sean's Notes

Overall great show live crowd was really into it.

Biggest Pops:
John Cena (dark match)
Booker T
Chris Jericho

Most Heat:
Daniel bryan (by far no one close)
Dolph Ziggler
Del Rio
Vickie Guerrero


Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
We open SmackDown with a recap of last week and the beat down on Shemaeus by Alberto Del Rio.

Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez are out to start the show and are demanding that Del Rio get his championship match back at SummerSlam. Ricardo Rodriguez demands Booker fulfill Del Rio's request as everyone saw first hand how powerful the Cartel's reach is.

Booker T is out to confront Del Rio. Booker T says that a man does not dress goons up in cop suits and attack one man. Chris Jericho comes out and goes off on Del Rio and calls him a yapping dog. Jericho starts speaking Spanish and says that Del Rio's breath smells like dog s--t in Spanish. Yes, he's speaking in Spanish. Jericho says that he wants to take Del Rio's spot at SummerSlam. The main event tonight is set, and it will be Jericho vs. Del Rio. Booker T said Sheamus will not wrestle at SummerSlam. Ricardo tells Booker to watch his back because he'll mess him up worse than those rednecks did last week.

Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs. The Miz and Cody Rhodes. Rey hits the 619 while Cody is trying to take of Sin Cara's mask and gets the win after the top rop dive. After the match, Mysterio hit the Miz with a 619 after Miz tried to sneak attack him. Heck of a match, Rey and Sin Cara are amazing together.

Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan is announced for later tonight.

Curt Hawkins and Tyler Reks beat two jobbers. Hawkins and Reks are doing some new stipper "Magic Mike" dance gimmick now. Damien Sandow and Drew McIntyre are shown watching backstage looking pleased.

William Regal is backstage telling Eve how powerful he was when he was the GM and he's still a powerful man and can make things happen. He introduces Antonio Cesaro as his new protege. He says he's going to use his troke to make big things happen for him. Workers then come up to Regal and ask him to take the trash out. He hands it to Cesaro and says before big rewards come the little duties.

Teddy long is out at the announce booth to commentate during the Divas match between Eve and Kaitlyn. Eve defeated Kaitlyn to become Booker T's new assistant. Short, sloppy match.

Randy Orton defeated Daniel Bryan. Ezekiel Jackson was ringside. Kane faked his entrance to distracting Bryan and Jackson, and Orton nailed him with an RKO to get the pin. Jackson attacked Orton after the match putting him the torture rack. Bryan is still in the ring with the mic screaming "No No!," and says he won't leave until the people stop chanting "YES!" Triple H comes out and pedigrees him. HHH says he wants no part of Jackson's "pain" and pretends to leave but knocks Jackson out with a granite phallus.

It's announced that WWE will return to Austin for a live event on January 11th. The pre-sale password is AUSCENA.

Santino comes out for color commentary. Antonio Cesaro vs. Zack Ryder is up next.

Antonio Cesaro w/ William Regal defeated Zack Ryder in 30 seconds. After the match Regal and Cesaro ran down Santino telling him he was a disgrace to Europe, pandering to fat, lazy and stupid Americans. Santino attacks Cesaro but is hit with a stiff chair shot from behind by Regal. Cesaro gives him the Swiss Death which he now calls the VERY European uppercut.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Chris Jericho is up next. Del Rio is out first. Jericho is coming out and is attacked by Ziggler, who screams to Jericho to not overlook him. The match has started, looks like Jericho is going to wrestle hurt. Del Rio dominated the majority of the match by attacking Jericho's injured ribs. Ziggler interfered twice, allowing Del Rio to win with the Shining Wizard kick.

After the match, Ziggler and Del Rio double team Jericho until Sheamus makes the save. Del Rio attacks Sheamus, but Sheamus makes a comeback and Del Rio escapes through the crowd. Booker T comes out to address the situation. Booker tells Sheamus that he should not be there. Sheamus demands that his rematch with Del Rio get re-instated. Booker originally says "no," but Sheamus keeps pleading. After Sheamus said "please" like three times, Booker relented and said that the match is back on for SummerSlam. Rodriguez calls Sheamus a weak p*ssy in Spanish for groveling to el Negro.

After the cameras stopped rolling, Del Rio sneaks back up on Sheamus. Sheamus and Del Rio fight into the crowd and Sheamus gets the upper hand. Sheamus then stood victorious as Del Rio ran away again.

- Thanks to Eric Shane for the following WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight’s tapings in Bakersfield, California:

* Lilian Garcia kicks things off and gets a nice reaction from the crowd.

* Teddy Long is the announcer with Michael Cole since Josh Mathews is out this week.

*Daniel Bryan is sitting in a chair in the ring in protest. He says that the show won't start until he gets some answers. He says he's tired of people not taking him seriously. He filed a formal complaint with the WWE board of directors Monday morning about AJ but he hasn't heard back from them. He says everyone is too worried about kissing HHH's ass after he got whooped by Brock Lesnar. Loud dueling "You Tapped Out/HHH" chants. Bryan says he has no choice but to hold the show hostage until someone with some authority addresses his concerns. He goes on to finally explain that AJ barred Ezekiel Jackson from the building at SummerSlam and instead of having his support at ringside Jackson was forced to watch the show from a local Hooters.

*Video is shown of a distraught and emotional Ezekiel Jackson, in wrestling gear, watching the show. A manager tries to get him to leave saying he's not dressed appropriately which leads to a melee and Jackson destroying the place. He is eventually arrested and taken to jail.

*Bryan continues his rant stating that Jackson was forced to spend the night in jail without his meds and he is still in a very fragile emotional state. Bryan says he's retained the services of David Otunga and plans to file a suit on Jackson's behalf if someone isn't punished.

Randy Orton interrupts Bryan and tells him to shut up. He has more important matters to discuss and talks about what happened on RAW. Orton wants a shot at the World Heavyweight Title and issues a challenge if anyone has a problem with that. Sheamus comes out to a big pop. Sheamus agrees that Orton should get a title shot. This brings Alberto Del Rio out, who also wants a title shot. Booker T appears and books Orton vs. Del Rio with the winner facing Sheamus.

Bryan yells NO NO NO NO and demands Booker address his concerns or he won't get out of the ring. Booker says that the board of directors has heard his complaint and corrective action against AJ will be taken in one week. Bryan screams YES YES YES and exits the ring.

* Ryback vs. Jinder Mahal is up next. Ryback cuts a promo on Mahal before the match. Ryback gets the win. Heidenreich and Snitsky appear on the TitanTron and challenge Ryback to a 2 on 1 match next week on Smackdown. Snitsky tells Ryback that his bootleg streak is about to come to an end. Heidenreich mocks his old "Yep yep, what it do," catchphrase.

* Layla beat Alicia Fox with Kaitlyn on commentary. Good back and forth match for the Divas. Kaitlyn and Layla came face to face in the middle of the ring after the match but shook hands. Eve Torres ran down and raised both of their hands for some reason.

* Backstage segment with Dolph Ziggler and Naomi arguing with Sheamus, who dares Ziggler to cash in tonight.

* Sheamus beat Dolph Ziggler by DQ after getting hit with the briefcase. Ziggler continues the attack and goes to cash in his title shot but Sheamus gets back up and Dolph leaves.

* Santino Marella comes out and talks about his reign as United States Champion but is interrupted by new champion Antonio Cesaro, his manager William Regal and Aksana. Santino attacks Cesaro but Aksana distracts the Cobra. Cesaro ends it by laying Santino out. Regal kicks Santino out of the ring and says he has a surprise for Cesaro. A briefcase is brought to Regal and he opens it revealing the old European championship. Regal says it's only fitting that a man of Cesaro's calibre get a belt that means something. Cesaro christens it the VERY European championship but states that he'll hold onto the US title as well, as a cheap trinket.

* Backstage segment with Del Rio yelling at Ricardo.

* Kofi Kingston and R-Truth defeat Epico and Primo.

* Matt Striker is backstage with Kofi and Truth. Titus O’Neil and Darren Young show up as do The Usos and Primo and Epico to start a big brawl. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose ambush all eight men and lay them out with chairshots. Matt Striker gets one as well.

* Booker and Teddy are backstage talking about what happened to Booker T's office two weeks ago when Eve comes in. She has done research on the next tag title contenders and has everything organized. Booker is impressed. She also states she has received some evidence regarding who trashed Booker's office. She will reveal it next week. Teddy Long looks uncomfortable.

* A Wade Barrett video airs.

* Alberto Del Rio defeats Randy Orton with Sheamus on commentary, There’s a big brawl after the match with Ziggler joining in. A deranged Ezekiel Jackson appears out of the crowd and destroys all four men. Daniel Bryan appears on the stage flanked by Heidenreich and Snitsky. He tells everyone he knew this would happen and it's going to continue as Jackson has refused to take his medicine until AJ is suspended or fired. Jackson then attacks Michael Cole and Lillian Garcia. Several officials rush the ring and attempt to restrain Jackson. The locker room empties and eventually Jackson is strapped to a gurney and wheeled out of the arena. He says that AJ is a dead man.

WWE taped this week’s edition of Smackdown from the i wireless Center in Moline, Illinois. Below are full results:

* SmackDown opens with Alberto Del Rio and David Otunga coming out. Ricardo Rodriguez is trailing and he’s in a neck brace. They want action taken against Sheamus for hitting Ricardo Rodriguez with a Brogue Kick on RAW. They want the kick banned in WWE. GM Booker T comes out and says he wants to put it in the hands of the fans. They vote that the kick should remain legal. Del Rio throws a fit and Booker has something planned for them later.

* Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara beat Cody Rhodes and The Miz when Cody accidentally hit Miz with a Disaster Kick.

* Hornswoggle stomped on Daniel Bryan’s toe. There was a recap of the “Hug It Out” segment from Raw.

* Zack Ryder defeated Daniel Bryan via reverse decision. Bryan came out and tried to remain calm. He got upset when there was a Yes! chant during the match. He begged off Ryder’s attack and they hugged, which led to Bryan applying the No! Lock. Bryan won by submission, but he refused to release the hold so the referee reversed the decision. Bryan essentially lost to the Yes! chant.

*A deranged Ezekiel Jackson attacks Ryder after the match. Bryan tells Jackson to take him to the back.

* Randy Orton was shown backstage. Damien Sandow came out and cut a promo discussing his actions in his match against Sheamus and ripping on social media. Sandow was interrupted by Orton, who entered to a huge pop. Orton informed him Booker T switched his original opponent with Sandow.

* Randy Orton beat Damien Sandow by countout. Dolph Ziggler joined the commentary team. Sandow ran to the back after the middle rope DDT while Orton was coiled for the RKO, leading to the countout finish. Orton and Ziggler fought, Sandow came back to save Ziggler from an RKO and took one himself, allowing Dolph to escape. Sandow's boyfriend Drew McIntyre comes out to check on him, sporting a noticeable black eye. Sandow pushes him away and berates him.

* Otunga continued to argue that the Brogue Kick should be banned. He brought X-rays. Booker booked a match between Otunga and Sheamus.

* The Prime Time Players defeated Primo and Epico (w/Rosa) to become No. 1 contenders to the WWE Tag Titles. Kofi Kingston and R-Truth were on commentary. Yes, the Players are the No. 1 contenders.

*After the match Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose attack the PTP and the tag champs. Booker T. comes out with cops and order them arrested. Rollins and Ambrose escape through the crowd. Heidenreich and Snitsky look on approvingly in the back.

* Teddy Long was shown backstage with Kaitlyn. Naomi and Dolph demanded to see Booker T. Teddy said he’d advise Booker T to make a match against Orton for Night of Champions.

* Wade Barrett cut a heel promo backstage with Matt Striker interviewing him.

* Wade Barrett defeated Yoshi Tatsu. Barrett entered to huge heat. There were also a lot of pro-Barrett fans. Barrett beat Yoshi with what appears to be a new finisher. Barrett cut another heel promo. Ryback came out to the ring and stood nose to nose with Barrett. Huge pop for the confrontation. Heidenreich attacked Ryback from behind while Barrett looked on and smirked. Then he was attacked from behind with a rubber phallus by Snitsky. Snitsky said the Ryback didn't belong to Barrett.

*A demented Ezekiel Jackson and Daniel Bryan are shown dragging an injured and nearly naked Zack Ryder to a dumpster where they toss him in. They hug afterwards.

* Sheamus defeated David Otunga. They changed the ring apron beforehand. Alberto came out to watch the match. Sheamus hit White Noise to set up the Brogue Kick. Booker came out and interrupted the match. He banned the Brogue Kick. Sheamus jaw jacked with Del Rio at ringside, then caught Otunga with the Irish Curse and finished him off with the Cloverleaf. After the match Booker T. comes out to the ring to congratulate Sheamus and hand him the WHC title. But he hits him with it instead. He stands over Sheamus and says Punk was right, he is just a paper champion and an embarrassment to the brand. Booker says Smackdown needs a REAL world champion and Mark Henry's music hits. Booker strips Sheamus of the WHC title and awards it to Mark Henry. Henry gives Sheamus two World's Strongest Slams to end the show.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Smackdown opened with Alberto Del Rio, Ricardo and David Otunga coming out to complain about Sheamus hurting Otunga (now in a neck brace) and using the Brogue Kick. Daniel Bryan came out and claimed he only lost at Wrestlemania because of an illegal kick. This all lead to Sheamus hitting the ring and laying out Otunga again as Del Rio escaped. Sheamus challenged Bryan to a bout later.

* Sin Cara pinned WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz in a non-title bout to set up a PPV bout. Cody Rhodes attacked both men after the match. Cody was acting funny, almost deranged.

* Kane pinned WWE Tag Team champiom Kofi Kingston with a chokeslam.

* Randy Orton defeated Tensai with the RKO. In a nice twist Sakamodo beat down Tensai after the match.

Long segment with Daniel Bryan backstage preparing for his match when Heidenreich and Snitsky approached him. Heidenreich said Ezekiel Jackson was at the bedside of a dear friend but he had a message for him. Snitsky handed him a note which asked Bryan if he was cheating on Jackson. Snitsky said they know that Bryan has been booed up with Kane for the past few weeks. Bryan didn't know what that meant. Kane came up and said the only person who puts their hands on his Anger Management partner is him. Snitsky called Kane a whore for working with Jackson against Bryan, going on to feud with Bryan by himself and now being in bed with him. A brawl is threatened but both parties left without exchanging blows.

* Kaitlyn defeated Beth Phoenix. Naomi attacked both women after the match.

* Sheamus defeated Daniel Bryan via submission with the Texas Cloverleaf. Heidenreich and Snitsky beat down Sheamus after the match. Then they beat down Daniel Bryan. Kane came out to make the save but he was beaten down as well. Sheamus recovered and gave Brogue Kicks to both men. Booker T stood on the ramp in disapproval.

9/18 WWE Smackdown TV taping spoilers: Full coverage of the taping for Friday's television show (spoilers)
Sep 18, 2012 - 09:02 PM

Dot Net readers Marc Petry, Dan Sommer, Brandon Torres, Mike DeMora, Jaryd, and Dominique are at the WWE Smackdown taping in Philadelphia, Pa. and are sending the following report. You must refresh the page for the latest updates.

The main event was listed as Sheamus and Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler.

Michael Cole made his entrance to cheers at first but some boos picked up before he finished making his entrance. Normal reactions for Lilian Garcia and others.

WWE Hall of Famer Edge opened the show. Lilian Garcia announced his name and the crowd erupted! He started by saying "this never gets old." He talked about how he misses it and he doesn't know what else he wants to do. He eventually introduced a video of Kane and Daniel Bryan arguing about the titles and hugging it out again from Raw. After that video a "Yes" chant broke out.

Edge continued but Daniel Bryan's entrance interrupted him. Bryan started by saying he wanted to correct Edge's use of pronouns and said, "We are not the tag team champions, I'm the tag team champions" over and over again until Edge cut him off. Edge asks how this happened. Bryan says he's one with his emotions. The crowd was hot for this with bunch of "Yes" chants. Edge eventually said, "Excuse me," and Bryan asked, "Do we have to bring up your ex-wife?" Bryan asked "Does anyone really know you Edge"? He told Edge to go back to acting and retirement and said there's nothing Edge or the fans can do to make him snap.

Edge said that sounded like a challenge. Bryan and Edge went back and forth saying "No, it doesn't" and "Yes, it does" until Kane's music interrupted them. Kane said, "Your both wrong because I'm the tag team champions." Kane and Bryan went back and forth as Edge interrupted them. Bryan and Kane said Edge seemed mad and should use Dr. Shelby's techniques to help. Edge ran over what's happened these last few weeks and said Kane is not Barney the big red dinosaur, he's the Big Red Machine. He recalled how they both tortured each other through out their careers and asks Kane if he remembers it. Kane said yes and he has to take care of that right now as Edge removes his jacket Kane holds out his arms for a hug.

Edge hesitated for a while and then Kane hugged Edge. As they hugged, Bryan started screaming "No!" until Edge told Daniel to join the hug. He started to but Damien Sandow interrupted, saying he was there to help everyone. He said some stuff using his great big words before Edge interrupted and told him to shut up. He said he would rather watch Bryan and Kane hug it out longer than he can listen to Sandow talk. Edge played with the Yes and No's to see who Sandow should wrestle. Booker T showed up on the screen and said Sandow would be in action next against Kane..

1. Damien Sandow defeated Kane. Kane worked over sandow the majority of the match, and as he went for the chokeslam he was interrupted by Bryan holding up the belts and climbing onto the apron. Sandow took advantage, hit Kane with his finisher and stole the win. Drew McIntyre looked on from the stage but he did not look happy.

Backstage, Kane was flipping out while looking for Daniel Bryan. He found Dr. Shelby. Shelby, who told Kane to calm down. Kane said if he doesn't give him his title belt back he will rip the beard off his goat face. Bryan hopped out of a bin behind Shelby and they started yelling at each other until Shelby interrupted and made them promise to share the titles and for Kane to not rip his beard off. Shelby said he will talk to Booker T and get Bryan a match to make Kane feel better since Bryan cost Kane his match...

Alberto Del Rio was in Booker T's office. Alberto Del Rio complained about how Booker T waited to revoke the Brogue Kick right before the match on Sunday. Booker T said he does feel bad but Del Rio needs to earn another title match and implied he could do so by winning the tag match tonight.

2. Layla defeated Natalya. Eve was on commentary for the match. Layla, while never losing focus on Eve outside the ring, won with a falling neckbreaker in roughly one minute. Crowd was DEAD for this match.

Lilian Garcia announced the main event for tonight. It looks like they are taping it early tonight since the dark match is advertised as Randy Orton vs. Del Rio vs. Sheamus for the title.

Del Rio makes his entrance to boos followed by Vickie Guerrero saying "Excuse me" as she was booed to announce Dolph Ziggler, who got no reaction at all. Orton got tons of cheers. The crowd was hot for this show! I haven't heard it this loud in Philly for some time. Sheamus got a reaction in all cheers.

3. Sheamus and Randy Orton defeated Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler. Vickie, Ricardo, Del Rio, and Ziggler were huddled at ringside before the match got underway. Sheamus and Del Rio started. Late in the match, Orton went to his vintage move set of the scoop slam and DDT through the ropes. Ziggler got involved and Del Rio got a back breaker for a two count. More offense for the heels as a RKO chant broke out. Orton went for a tag but Del Rio stopped him until Orton was able to get Del Rio out of the ring. Orton made the hot tag as well as Del Rio. Sheamus and Ziggler went back and forth. Del Rio got involved but ended up taking an RKO as Sheamus hit his Brogue Kick on Ziggler for the win.

Sheamus and Orton play to the hot crown and slap hands with fans as they cut to a shot outside the Wells Fargo Center Daniel Bryan makes a silent Entrance with the lights off for his match.

4. Cody Rhodes beat Daniel Bryan. Bryan got in "Yes/No" battles with the crowd early on as he screamed no with every hit he landed on Cody. Bryan and Rhodes went back and forth before Bryan got the No! Lock in just over two minutes into the match. Kane's pyro went off twice around the ring as Daniel got up and was distracted until Rhodes hit Cross Rhodes to steal the win. Kane laughed...

A Wrestlemania 29 ad airs as Brodus Clays Disco Ball lowered...

Backstage, Daniel Bryan was looking for Kane. When he found him, Kane was laughing. Bryan asked, "What was that?" Kane said he doesn't know what he's talking about. Bryan complained about the pyro. They went back and forth about how Kane belonged in a basement and Bryan belonged in a petting zoo. They saw Sandow and Rhodes looking on as they said their stint as champions is a joke. A tag match was made between the four, and Kane and Bryan argued over who they are more afraid of. Dan notes that it's nice to see the tag belts getting a lot of attention...

Brodus Clay made his same old boring entrance, which this crowd was very hot for again. Marc noted that he is still surprised by the turnout and reactions so far...

5. Brodus Clay beat Heath Slater. Brodus did his usual offense routine until Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre attacked Clay from behind for the DQ. Eventually, Mahal locked in the Camel Clutch and the heels celebrate over Clay. Damien Sandow came to the stage and admonished McIntyre for keeping company with such miscreants. He will have hell to pay later.

6. Santino Marella defeated Antonio Cesaro. Cesaro got a hold locked on Santino, but he fought back and got the Cobra out. A distraction by Aksana led to Cesaro hitting finisher. Aksana fell into the ring and hurt her leg so the ref didn't make the count. Eventually, Santino rolled up Cesaro for the win. Cesaro grabed a mic and told Aksana, "I'm thinking something, let me tell you in five different languages." He followed up by saying, "We're finished." He then hit her with the US Title belt. Santino came to check on her but she shoved him away. Kane/Bryan vs. Rhodes/Sandow match is next.

Edge was shown backstage bloodied and beaten with a sapphire phallus laying next to his broken body

7. Kane and Daniel Bryan beat Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes by DQ. The Prime Time Players, The Uso's, Tyson Kidd, and Justin Gabriel came out to serve as lumberjacks. Rhodes hit the Beautiful Disaster for a good near fall on Bryan. He worked him over until a double cross body sent them both down. Sandow and Kane tagged in.

Kane worked over Sandow. He went for the chokeslam, Sandow fought out, but Kane eventually landed the move. Rhodes hit Kane with a chair for a DQ finish. Kane took both Rhodes and Sandow out, and Bryan held a chair over Rhodes to "Yes!" chants. He decided to share and allow Kane to hit Rhodes with the chair. Funny moment. Both men dealt dual chair shots to Sandow and the crowd chanted "Yes!" Kane then grabbed every lunberjack from ringside and the champs delivered more chairshots than Triple H gave Undertaker at WrestleMania 28. In all of the confusion Miz emerged from the crowd and hit the Skull Crushing Finale on Cody Rhodes and held the IC title over his head.

After the match as Kane and Bryan were going up the ramp they were attacked by a deranged Ezekiel Jackson with Heidenreich and Snitsky. Jackson put Bryan in the torture rack while screaming Bryan cheated on him. He took Bryan up the ramp and onto the stage while Heidenreich and Snitsky held Kane back. Jackson teased throwing Bryan off the ramp while Bryan and Kane screamed NO NO NO. Jackson screamed YES YES YES. Before he could throw Bryan off the ramp Edge came on stage and speared Jackson to a HUGE POP. Bryan went tumbling and him and Kane hightailed it out of there as Heidenreich and Snitsky focused on Edge who was able to get the advantage and speared both Heidenreich and Snitsky. As he was posing on the stage Seth Rollins and Deam Ambrose attacked him with a lead pipe and threw him off the stage. They revealed it was they who attacked Edge backstage and they are willing to make an IMPACT in any way possible.

Lilian Garcia told the fans about the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign and thanked fans for coming. No dark match for the night despite the advertised Triple Threat. Overall, an average show with a very hot Philly crowd.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Big Show came to the ring, took the mic, and declared he wants the championship. Randy Orton interrupted to loud cheers. Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez came out. All three want the match against Sheamus for the title. Orton RKO'd Del Rio, and Show but Rodriguez hit Orton with a mic and threw him out of the ring.

1. Antonio Cesaro defeated Santino Marella to retain the U.S. Championship. (Cesaro is not over AT ALL, btw, total silence for his entrance.) Santino got distracted by Cesaro verbally berating Aksana. When he went to check on her Cesaro rolled him up for a quick pin. Cesaro spit on Aksana after the match but Santino hit him with the Cobra to a huge ovation.

2. Beth Phoenix defeated Natalya. Beth received huge cheers in her hometown.

Eve came out and announced that Beth Phoenix has been indefinitely suspended per an investigation into the Kaitlyn situation from Night of Champions. However, Booker T immediately reversed the suspension. Eve blamed Teddy Long and made Booker wonder whether he can trust Long.

3. Wade Barrett pinned Zack Ryder. Barrett won by pinfall. Crowd was dead the entire time except for a few scattered boring chants.

Heidenreich and Snitsky stormed into Booker's office demanding a title shot against HELL NO, tonight. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins interrupted demanding a title shot as well. Booker asked why the hell should they get a title shot after what they did to his office. Ambrose and Rollins said it was nothing personal, just a statement, and they want to make another one tonight. Eve suggested HELL NO take on both teams tonight in a TLC match. Booker agreed. Heidenreich/Snitsky and Rollins/Ambrose had an intense stare down before leaving.

The second installment of Miz TV took place. Sheamus came out immediately. A few minutes later, Naomi and Dolph Ziggler came out. They had a word battle over Sheamus's title. A fight ensued and Sheamus cleared the ring.

4. HELL NO vs. Heidenreich and Snitsky vs Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins ended in a no contest. The match of the night and very brutal. Snitsky power bombed Rollins into the steel steps knocking him out. Daniel Bryan was thrown through a ladder and became stuck and was knocked out with three vicious chair shots by Ambrose. Heidenreich hit Kane with a monitor taking him out and Ambrose was attacked from behind by Snitsky who shattered a glass phallus across his face. The referee ruled the match a no contest due to excessive violence. As he attempted to return the titles to HELL NO he was assaulted and Heidenreich and Snitsky stole the belts.

5. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow defeated The Uso Brothers.

6. Ryback defeated Tensai. Huge response for Ryback, who picked up Tensai over his head and slammed him down for the win. Wow. Heidenreich came to the ring and had another intense staredown with Ryback. He feigned attacking Ryback but beat up Tensai instead throwing him into the steel steps and then into the crowd. He asked Ryback if he was still hungry because he's an all you can eat buffet.

7. Big Show defeated Randy Orton. Sheamus watched from ringside. Alberto Del Rio came out. He beat up Orton backstage. Orton was hurt from the attack. Orton whacked Alberto and headed to the stage. Show ended up chokeslamming and pinning Orton. After the match a demented Ezekiel Jackson attacked Show from behind with a diamond phallus and put him in the Torture Rack. Sheamus attempted to intervene but was attack by Heidenreich and Snitsky who laid him out with the tag belts and clobbered him with steel chair shots. Snitsky brought Jackson the WHC and the show ended with Jackson holding up the WHC and Heidenreich and Snitsky holding up the tag team belts with Ryback watching backstage.