Nope. Older voters especially don't care about the cheers and what everyone else thinks. They are going to judge it based on what was said and their own feelings on it. I think this Tuesday and next Tuesday are going to be really enlightening for a lot of people. For them to get a better idea of just how miniscule online memes, reddit, cheering crowds at debates and the like actually reflect the entirety of the electorate. I don't dislike Bernie, but I can very easily see that he is losing, and losing big time.
His honesty on Israel in particular is going to massacre him in NY. Its not that what he is saying wasn't true, its the timing of when he said it. Suicide before a city like New York. I admire him being honest, but being 100% honest about everything only guarantees results in a utopia, and we ain't that.
That's the type of political system we're dealing with. Where being honest can cost you an election