The Official PlayStation 5 Thread: Age Of The PS5 Pro


May 1, 2012
PS5 Game Godfall


New details for Godfall, the Gearbox-published PlayStation 5 launch title, reveal inspiration and similarities to the Destiny and Dark Soulsfranchises. Announced at The Game Awards2019, Godfall is the first new IP for the PS5, developed by indie studio Counterplay Games. Counterplay described Godfall as a third-person fantasy RPG "looter-slasher," with emphasis on melee combat. The game can be played solo or in groups up to three players. Along with the PlayStation 5, Godfall was also confirmed for PC, possibly as an Epic Games Store exclusive.

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Comparisons to Destiny and Dark Souls were instantly made following its reveal at The Game Awards. Destiny, the new franchise from Halo's Bungie, has been the defining juggernaut in loot-based multiplayer shooters and maintains a dedicated player base who remain hooked on its rewarding endgame and a constant stream of expansions and updates. Meanwhile, From Software's Dark Souls is one of the most influential games of the past decade. The game's precise melee combat, memorable bosses, and signature difficulty spawned a sub-genre of "Souls-likes," which can tide over fans of the series until From Software's Elden Ringreleases.

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Via PSU's new details about Godfall further suggest a marriage between Dark Souls combat and Destiny loot, along with other influences such as Monster Hunter: World. Co-operative loot-hunting shouldn't come as a surprise. In essence, many developers on Godfall worked on Bungie's blockbuster franchise, and publisher Gearbox developed another pillar in the loot-based shooter genre, Borderlands. The game's bosses, a cornerstone of Dark Souls and its subsequent successors, have been designed to counter attacks from multiple enemies, which also sounds similar to the titular beasts of Monster Hunter that require teamwork and co-operation to bring down. Details about Godfall's next-gen graphics were also revealed, boasting ray-tracing support and diminished loading times, as well as 3D audio to round out the immersive experience.


has been confirmed as a "launch window" release for the PlayStation 5 and PC, expected to be later this year. Since the announcement trailer, a few seconds of combat was leaked to Reddit ahead of other officially released details, such as its armor-based class system and inspirations from literature. Godfall is one of the few games announced explicitly for the PS5, along with cosmic horror shooter Quantum Error.

Concerns over the current COVID-19 pandemic delaying the release of the consoles were cooled by GameStop's CEO, who confirmed the planned Holiday 2020 launch. The PlayStation 5's new SSD is expected to substantially lower loading times and reduce install sizes, so Godfall's claims of a giant fantasy world rendered in seconds have some credence to them.

With so many questions still left unanswered regarding the PS5, from release date to look to price--although pre-order points to it being cheaper than expected--eager fans will cherish a peek at what a next-gen game looks like, albeit one from a smaller studio with no proven track record. A combination of Destiny's addicting loot hunt with the renowned combat and boss battles of Dark Souls, all presented in a new high fantasy world to explore, should add up to make Godfall an enticing launch-day release whenever the PS5 finally hits stores.



May 1, 2012
Resident Evil 8 Will Apparently Be on PS5, Is First-Person And Will Be Announced Soon

Esident Evil 8 Will Apparently Be on PS5, Is First-Person And Will Be Announced Soon
A big departure, allegedly

Update: Supposed insider Dusk Golem has put his credibility on the line once more, claiming that next year’s Resident Evil game is Resident Evil 8 for both the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. According to the rumourmonger, it started life as Resident Evil: Revelations 3, but due to positive internal feedback it’s been revamped as a full-blown sequel. Like the excellent Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, it will apparently be a first-person game.

Apparently, a reveal is imminent, and there’ll be an emphasis on “hallucinations, occultism, and insanity”. Of course, this is all coming courtesy of an unproven source right now. We’ll need to wait and see if any of this turns out to be true.

Original Article: Capcom is keeping itself busy as the PlayStation 5 nears release. Rumours are flying regarding an all-new instalment which is currently in development, although the source is ResetEra poster Dusk Golem writing on his Twitter account. Given that the so-called insider has several proclamations flying around right now – including Sony’s purported production of a Silent Hill title – we’d recommend you exercise caution until some of these are proven true.

Nevertheless, he claims that a new Resident Evil title has been in development since 2016, and it’s currently targeting a 2021 release. Apparently, this is the “biggest departure the series has ever taken”, which is bold considering Resident Evil VII: Biohazard shifted the entire perspective of the series to first-person. We’ve seen some speculation alluding to witches and vampires as opposed to zombies, which would be a change.

Despite the warnings, Dusk Golem reckons that the game’s internal testing has been going well, and that it’s a “high quality” game. It’ll allegedly be announced “really soon”, although obviously coronavirus could have an impact on the publisher’s plans. Make of all this what you will, we suppose – and in the meantime, check out our Resident Evil 3 PS4 review and Resident Evil 3 Remake walkthrough.


May 2, 2012
Resident Evil 8 Will Apparently Be on PS5, Is First-Person And Will Be Announced Soon

Esident Evil 8 Will Apparently Be on PS5, Is First-Person And Will Be Announced Soon
A big departure, allegedly

Update: Supposed insider Dusk Golem has put his credibility on the line once more, claiming that next year’s Resident Evil game is Resident Evil 8 for both the PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. According to the rumourmonger, it started life as Resident Evil: Revelations 3, but due to positive internal feedback it’s been revamped as a full-blown sequel. Like the excellent Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, it will apparently be a first-person game.

Apparently, a reveal is imminent, and there’ll be an emphasis on “hallucinations, occultism, and insanity”. Of course, this is all coming courtesy of an unproven source right now. We’ll need to wait and see if any of this turns out to be true.

Original Article: Capcom is keeping itself busy as the PlayStation 5 nears release. Rumours are flying regarding an all-new instalment which is currently in development, although the source is ResetEra poster Dusk Golem writing on his Twitter account. Given that the so-called insider has several proclamations flying around right now – including Sony’s purported production of a Silent Hill title – we’d recommend you exercise caution until some of these are proven true.

Nevertheless, he claims that a new Resident Evil title has been in development since 2016, and it’s currently targeting a 2021 release. Apparently, this is the “biggest departure the series has ever taken”, which is bold considering Resident Evil VII: Biohazard shifted the entire perspective of the series to first-person. We’ve seen some speculation alluding to witches and vampires as opposed to zombies, which would be a change.

Despite the warnings, Dusk Golem reckons that the game’s internal testing has been going well, and that it’s a “high quality” game. It’ll allegedly be announced “really soon”, although obviously coronavirus could have an impact on the publisher’s plans. Make of all this what you will, we suppose – and in the meantime, check out our Resident Evil 3 PS4 review and Resident Evil 3 Remake walkthrough.
That ps5 VR

@Fatboi1 scary ass is in trouble now


Just end the season.
May 1, 2012
That new DF tech deep dive pretty much confirms all the shyt being spread the last two weeks was just FUD. The windows central dudes were shameless.

Can't wait to see what Polyphony does with all that power.
American media is shameless for XBox. A lot of people probably forgot what it was like before the PS4/XB1 came out. Almost every US outlet was touting the XB1 while trashing the PS4 and saying how much trouble Sony was in. It was so see through; Fox News pathetic. I don't check for any tech sites now because of that.


May 1, 2012
American media is shameless for XBox. A lot of people probably forgot what it was like before the PS4/XB1 came out. Almost every US outlet was touting the XB1 while trashing the PS4 and saying how much trouble Sony was in. It was so see through; Fox News pathetic. I don't check for any tech sites now because of that.
Well they were trying to put a surveillance device in American living rooms

Won't work if the camera doesn't work and unfortunately that didn't ring any alarms among their userbase.

Had to make a whole new camera less version of the console.


May 1, 2012
Well they were trying to put a surveillance device in American living rooms

Won't work if the camera doesn't work and unfortunately that didn't ring any alarms among their userbase.

Had to make a whole new camera less version of the console.

And dem nikkaz was making excuses for that shyt. :scust:

Anyway, doubt we get any more real concrete leaks for a minute with the Rona. Probably a bunch of shyt cats making up.


May 1, 2012
PS5 Praise from Crytek Developer Retracted After Calling It the Better Next-Gen Console
Interview no longer online

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Update: Things just got weird. Ali Salehi, the developer who made these comments about PS5, has apparently retracted his statements. The interview itself has seemingly been pulled offline, too.

The Twitter user who initially translated Salehi's comments, @man4dead, has deleted all tweets regarding the interview, and has said the Crytek engineer "doesn't confirm the content of the interview anymore due to personal reasons".

From where we're sitting, it seems Crytek, or possibly a company further up the chain, wanted the interview and Salehi's statements wiped from existence. It's been suggested he could have broken some sort of non-disclosure agreement. It's impossible to say exactly what's happened here, but the below is now effectively null and void. We'll update this story if more details emerge.

Original Story: Which is better, PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X? Unfortunately, it's a question that's going to rear its head frequently over the next year or two. Microsoft's next-gen console has the larger numbers when you compare tech specs, but several devs have been singing the praises of PS5. Ali Salehi is the latest to do so. He's a rendering engineer at Crytek, and recently took part in an interview to discuss PS5 and Xbox Series X.

It's in Persian, but a Persian Twitter user has taken it upon themselves to convert some choice quotes into English. If these translations are anything to go by, Salehi seems pretty smitten with PS5.

When asked how the two next-gen consoles compare, he says other devs are claiming PS5 "is the easiest console they have ever coded on to reach its peak performance". He goes on to say he thinks PS5 "is extremely simple and has so many abilities that make the devs so free". He concludes by stating PS5 "is a better console [than Xbox Series X]".

Salehi also praises PS5's ultra-fast SSD. He explains that Xbox Series X's quick resume feature -- which lets you put multiple games into a suspended state and switch between them within a few seconds -- could be achieved on PS5 "in under one second".

When asked which of the two consoles he personally prefers to work with, Salehi confidently says PS5 "without a moment of hesitation". He adds, "As a programmer I say PS5 is much better and I don't think you can find a programmer that could name one advantage that XSX has over PS5".

A pretty bold statement there. It sounds like PS5 has definitely convinced Salehi, despite the larger figures touted by Xbox Series X. Ultimately, the proof will be in the pudding -- we need to see some games running on these things. Hopefully we're not too far away from that.

[source, via]

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May 6, 2012
Godfall info

Full Summary

- Godfall is a PS5 console exclusive, no PS4 or cross gen. Tailored to run on PS5

- PS5 allows Godfall to feel and play like no other game thanks to PS5 CPU and GPU

- Made by a team of 75 people

- Monster Hunter World in terms of gameplay, with elements of Dark Souls in combat.

- Some ex-Destiny 2 team members are involved

- The game rewards agressive play. Skill based combar based on timing in order to hit max damage

- Visual style and world building influenced by The Stormlight Archive, The First Law and Foundation series

- Positives around animation

- High fantasy setting divided into Eart, Air, Fire and Spirit Elements

- You are one of the least remaining Knight's Order tasked with stopping an apocolyptic event

- Start of the game you set a classed based on type of armour = 3 sets to pick from. A lot of customization to unlock as you progress

- Bosses designed to repel multiple people at once ie. in co-op bosses can take both of you out

- Game based around drop in and drop out gameplay like Destiny and Monster Hunter World with heavy Dark Souls Influence

Those are all the major points