Refreshing coming out of a big event and not really knowing what's coming next, because NXT currently seems pretty wide open, particularly if TUE gets called up (which seems likely to me). You have a number of name talents that haven't debuted yet (Kushida/Trevor Lee/ACH/Garza Jr.), a number of name talents that have been floating around not doing much (Dijak, Keith Lee, I guess Gunner). For tag teams you have PC talents like Street Profits set to get a prominent push, European Union in UK and US NXT, presumably a Shane Thorne singles run is in the future.
For women it's a little more clear cut that Bianca is going to dethrone Shayna sometime this year, but I could just as easily see her getting called up out of the blue before that happens.
The official call ups of Ricochet/Black, Ciampa being gone indefinitely, and a shake up coming in a month leaves NXT completely open to anything right now.