Just two episodes in but it's clear as fukk they really sabotaged Colter in Jessica Jones, goddamn
. He's so much better here than in that show it's ridiculous. You would have thought he could only do stiff and wooden from that show, but as we're seeing he can do much more than that. How are you gonna have more range in 2 episodes in one show than in 8 in another as the same character? 
Don't even try to say it happened because it aint his show we saw what Bethnal/Punisher did/was allowed to do in Daredevil aint no excuse for bs sabotage like that, especially when the character you're doing that to has a show coming up

Don't even try to say it happened because it aint his show we saw what Bethnal/Punisher did/was allowed to do in Daredevil aint no excuse for bs sabotage like that, especially when the character you're doing that to has a show coming up