The Official Netflix Marvel's "Luke Cage" Season 1 Thread


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2012
So I'm ready to voice my thoughts. First off, my comments are solely for comicbook/Luke Cage fans and readers. I'll break it down into parts.


Cottonmouth/Black Mariah - these characters are the best. Their family dynamic was excellent, and you really got to see how they developed into the people they became. Cottonmouth is ruthless, yet compassionate. Black Mariah is goal-oriented. They gave these generic villains some dimension. They'll probably try to incorporate it into the comics for Black Mariah now. How would they do it without turning her into Amanda Waller tho?

Misty was top notch. She was everything that Misty is in the comics - sexy, sassy, a thinker, cool and down-to-Earth, and get busy when the time calls for it.

Diamondback - I like Diamondback as a villain, I like the campiness to him, the theatrics, the flair. You could see he being feared. I don't like him being Luke's brother or the obsession he had with him. I would've liked Diamondback better had they have him playoff Cottonmouth more. These two have contrasting styles, so it would be interesting to see them more as rivals. I love the costume...a nod to his comicbook uni. Let's hope they start the Serpent Society.

Shades was OK. He wasn't even an #2, just a errand boy, but he saw gaps and opportunity and acted.

The rest of the characters were great as well. What I like about them is that they are actual characters, and not just wallpaper - same as in Jessica Jones. These extras exist outside of the SH world. I LOVE Harlem as a character.

Luke Cage - weak link of the show. I don't know if it's his wooden acting (it is wooden), but everything about his speech comes across forced. He has the look, the style, the mannerisms, but he's just not natural enough. I also don't like the "do-gooder" of Cage. Luke doesn't curse now? Luke is blaxploitation, he's supposed to be a kick-@ss renegade, in the realm of Shaft/Truck Turner/Fred Williamson ish....modern Action Jackson.

Plot - pretty basic origin story. You get the sense of what Luke represents. The brother angle was wack. It should've just been former friends and forced to encounter, not the obsession. Scarfe being dirty was wack.

Other thoughts - Sometimes the social commentary was a bit too heavy-handed at times. When Mariah was talking about Harlem, loved it. I like subtlety. Everyone can see that Luke was a bulletproof black man (at least I hope), they didn't need to spell it out. Name dropping Goines, Himes, Ellison was a bit much as well. Not everyone even read those authors. The Invisible Man is/was required HS reading, so I KNOW most didn't read that. Goines been dead for 40 years, I was talking about his books 20 years ago and not many knew who that was then. I love the discussion they had on Kenyatta, but then just name dropping Himes and Ellison was a bit much. They didn't even quote them. And the 48 Laws of Power isn't quality reading, not to be quoting IMO.

Also, I need these shows to be a bit more superhero-y. That's what I want to see. I want Misty to get the arm, I want Luke Cage to battle supervillains (at times). I want to see costumes...for Iron Fist, Misty (and Hellcat) I hope it's coming. I think they're definitely gonna pool their series though. DD may continue, but Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage will definitely be merged at some point. Misty may get one as well, but her rogues gallery is non-existent.

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013



