Dusty Bake Activate
Fukk your corny debates
Fight hate with hate, that always seams to work.
I agree. What that has to do with this topic, I have no idea. Nobody is attempting to fight hate with hate. I posted articles that deal with hate.
The stories themselves are disgusting as well. The wholesale grouping up of people, the labeling, the blaming ONE THING for the woes of what amounts to HUMAN ACTIONS is myopic.
I agree. Now please tell me who did that. Maybe someone did, but it wasn't me. You would know that if you read my posts on Islam over the years. I think I drive a lot of people crazy because I point out what I perceive to be the deleterious effects of Islam and other religions, while taking in other factors and never stereotyping with a broad brush.
Again, we're just talking about posting articles.
Posting articles isn't veiled hate.The veiled hate in the guise of "we just telling the truth", is disgusting.
Guess what? I agree the effects of Islam can both be good and bad. What are you going to say now?The irony is on this same page today is a thread full of GOOD THINGS done in the name of Islam... sorta seams contradictory doesn't it? That in and of itself should speak volumes as to the complexity of the situation. But hey, you got vids of people doing horrific shyt to people.
Islam can act as an intensifier and justification. That's all I've ever argued. Miss me with anything more than that.Fact of the matter is if it wasn't islam it'd be something else.
Ask a question relevant to the matter. I never said "x happens solely because of Islam."And you really want to get down to the heart of the matter? What's the common thread among all atrocities committed against people the world over?
You ever ask yourself that question?
Please, now joke answer that question for me, what's the common thread in all atrocities committed against people?
This was just butthurt, emotional reactive modding. You just tried to talk me down about a bunch of shyt that I agree with you for the most part.
The only reason that flurry of articles happened last night was because they were in response to blackking's lame confrontational fake positive thread. It would've died down within one or two days. You guys have read the board long enough to know these things go in cycles.
You're being restrictive to free expression if you just merge every thread posted that may serve to cast Islam or any other religion in a bad light. These stories deal with issues larger than Islam, and people should be free to post them without merging them together...lest you do it for everything. Maybe you can make an "official negative stories about Republicans thread," or an "official negative stories about gay people thread," or an "official negative story about conspiracy theorists" thread.