Essential The Official MMA Thread


Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo
I agree that wonderboy would rather play dumb than risk denting his fan base, how merely admitting racism exists hurts ppv buys tho I don't know...

I disagree about Woodley and kind of chuckle at the theory that what he is doing is calculated, to go as far as to even say he's colluding with wonderboy to fetch buys is a slap in the face of the hardships blacks legitimately face trying to prosper amidst the depths of white supremacy.

People have used racial dynamics to sell fights since prize fighting has been a thing. I don't doubt that everything Tyron has said is what he genuinely believes in his heart, but I'm also not naive enough to believe that he wouldn't use those feelings to sell PPVs.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
People have used racial dynamics to sell fights since prize fighting has been a thing. I don't doubt that everything Tyron has said is what he genuinely believes in his heart, but I'm also not naive enough to believe that he wouldn't use those feelings to sell PPVs.
You sound just like that clown the fraud III, this isn't boxing it's mixed martial arts, diversity just isn't there to pull something like that off. What exactly are you implying that minorities that don't follow are going to catch wind of this on ESPN and say I identify with that black man I am going to put down 60 for this Saturday? Or the ones that already follow are going to be like I was going to illegally stream this but now I am going to pay 60 bucks to support that hombre Woodley? On what planet?

Or are whites suppose to be so infuriated with his claims that they order in droves to see that he loses in crystal clear HD? When you see champ life and combine the marquart fight pass fiasco, McGregor 48 hour belt loan, the sell job on how the narrative is what wonderboy does better against this athletic freak that was fading that seems like legitimate anger and frustration to me. Not everything is about monatery gain..

White ppl esp the ones that permeate this sport recoil at the talk of race, hence the term being thrown around race baiting. But somehow his claims are going to generate buys for this? I don't get it..
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Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo
You sound just like that clown the fraud III, this isn't boxing it's mixed martial arts, diversity just isn't there to pull something like that off. What exactly are you implying that minorities that don't follow are going to catch wind of this on ESPN and say I identify with that black man I am going to put down 60 for this Saturday? Or the ones that already follow are going to be like I was going to illegally stream this but now I am going to pay 60 bucks to support that hombre Woodley? On what planet?

Or are whites suppose to be so infuriated with his claims that they order in droves to see that he loses in crystal clear HD?
When you see champ life and combine the marquart fight pass fiasco, McGregor 48 hour belt loan, the sell job on how the narrative is what wonderboy does better against this athletic freak that was fading that seems like legitimate anger and frustration to me. Not everything is about monatery gain..

White ppl esp the ones that permeate this sport recoil at the talk of race, hence the term being thrown around race baiting. But somehow his claims are going to generate buys for this? I don't get it..

Considering the fact there have been multiple threads on Woodley in The Coli where people that have probably never heard of him before and don't follow MMA are showing him support and acting like huge fans, that's exactly what's happening.

And yes white people will pay to see the all-American boy beat a "loud mouthed" black champion. That promotional strategy has worked since Jack Johnson was beating up white folks.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
Considering the fact there have been multiple threads on Woodley in The Coli where people that have probably never heard of him before and don't follow MMA are showing him support and acting like huge fans, that's exactly what's happening.
could you please dredge em up cuz I visit there and all they discuss is nfl, college football and the nba mostly

And yes white people will pay to see the all-American boy beat a "loud mouthed" black champion. That promotional strategy has worked since Jack Johnson was beating up white folks.
Woodley isn't a loudmouth though, he doesn't have the personality for it his haters see what he's doing more as whining. think a large part of the hate comes from the fact he's not playing a character he's just a quiet/ boring dude saying all this so they can't even love to hate him..

As for your other comment you are conflating 2 things and rolling it into 1. In Jack Johnson days battle lines were drawn and it was strictly racial, given how blacks were being treated in society, sports was like a break from reality. Ppl rallied behind JJ and lived vicariously through him, every win or triumph he achieved was a win for all. Whereas it was a nightmare for whites because in boxing they were the inferior, you could sell an interracial bout just off the poster didn't matter who it was those days, stand up fighting is universal.

These cats that normally don't follow MMA but heard of Woodley and his claims could easily YouTube his fights, see his base and say this ish ain't for me..Add to that in 2017 the black community isn't a monalith (not that it ever was but it's more fractured now than ever) you got mixed race individuals giving themselves special labels. You have blacks that actually feel racism is over. With this kind of division a situation like woodley's in a niche sport as MMA isn't going to spark a movement like that.

Ps Maybe if he was playing a mayweather type of role but he's just a real dude who is softspoken and kind of bland that doesn't appeal to the masses unfortunately
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From The Eastside with Love
Nov 21, 2012
@THEREALBRAND sometimes @Roman Brady can come off as a troll and annoying, not as of lately tho I'll give him that. But he's right for the most part. Woodley needs to put his fist through Wonderboy and that's it. Woodley needs to put this Wonderboy stuff behind him if he wins and keep winning. He's a college educated dude but he's gonna have to show the world some of that Fergerson narrative too. He just needs to be able to tow the line on both ends.
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Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
Anything to avoid No Gay for Jesus
UFC is slowly turning into boxing, they can't be making that old claim that because everyone is under 1 umbrella the best always fight the best. McGregor was one thing, in some odd way I could understand the method to that madness but this bisbing stuff is despicable he is not even a draw to warrant all this tampering


From The Eastside with Love
Nov 21, 2012
GSP vs Bisping means Silva vs GSP is that much closer into coming into fruition :blessed: what if GSP wins and they give go ahead and give Silva that fight :wow: