I can never bet on an Overeem fight. He's so volatile. I can see him destroying Stipe, eeking a decision, losing a decision or getting KOed.
He's been winning every fight he's had in the ufc up until he lost.
He hasn't really faced a stud wrestler yet. Does stipe wanna stay in boxing range and use his superior hands or does he wanna risk eating Uber knees trying to grab a hold of AO.
The crowd will be so lit....an ethnic white heavyweight champion born in america/raised in cleveland......
vs. A black foreign fighter who's generally seen (rightly or wrongly ) as a cocky, cheating a$$hole.
I wanna see mma have champions repping cities/regions/countries....but I wanna see Sherdog explode, though.

And May can't just "learn kicks"...you got top level kickboxers/mma brehs who can't stop them...let's not over rate floyd (as hard as that is to do).