Essential The Official MMA Thread

The G.O.D II

A ha ha
May 1, 2012
Melendez vs Alvarez, Torres vs Hill( :dahell: type of matchmaking is that?) and Montano vs Pendred(hope he KO the fukk out of the stiff) rounds out 188


Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo
I love my Brazilian fighters, but these dudes can never just take an L without having some extreme situation affecting the outcome :heh:

Apparently Mutante had a debilitating back injury that prevented him from being able to live a normal life for multiple years, and he ended up suffering from paralysis after his last fight with Andrew Craig. He then had emergency surgery that nobody knew about that affected him mentally and physically leading up to the fight. The victory that he takes from last night is that he overcame his obstacles, and made it into the Octagon.

Tudo bem, meus amigos? Eu quero compartilhar uma história com vocês.

Estou muito orgulhoso de mim e me sinto um vencedor. Venci minha principal luta, que era contra eu mesmo. O fato de chegar apto a lutar ontem já me faz um vencedor. Não quero dar desculpas para derrota, nunca fiz isso e agora não seria a primeira vez. Inclusive, quero parabenizer o Sam Alvey. Ele absorveu bem meus golpes e conseguiu virar o jogo.
Mas a vitória que tive foi a que Deus me permitiu de voltar a trabalhar, e estou muito feliz e grato por isso. Pouco mais de cinco meses atras, eu tive uma grave lesão na coluna lombar. Essa lesão já me incomodava há mais de 10 anos, e os últimos dois anos da minha vida eu passei dormindo sentado. Se dormisse em qualquer outra posição, eu não andava no dia seguinte. Durante minha luta contra o Andrew Craig, minha vértebra se deslocou ainda mais e, por isso, alguns dias depois, minhas pernas estavam quase que paralisadas. Tive que fazer uma cirurgia de emergência, e o procedimento foi feito pela minha barriga. O médico removeu o disco danificado entre L5 e S1, colocando uma prótese e fixando-a com quatro parafusos. Na mesma cirurgia, foram colocados mais quatro parafusos e duas astes pela parte posterior, para então concluir a artrodese. Foram 7h de cirurgia. Continua ..

Parte 2 Três meses depois, quando já estava tudo calcificado e cicatrizado, o médico me liberou para treinar. Começava então minha guerra interna, com meu corpo e mente. Por diversas vezes, eu sai da academia chorando pela tentativa frustrada de tentar fazer uma sombra de boxe, movimentos simples para qualquer lutador, e não conseguir por conta da dor e rigidez no local. Pensei em desistir por diversas vezes, mas sabia que tinha que vencer minha batalha particular. Fiz de tudo para voltar em alto nível, lutando contra meus maus pensamentos, que me diziam 'você já era'. Eu ia todos os dias até academia, mesmo que fosse pra treinar por 10 minutos ou ficar apenas olhando o treino. Foquei, a vontade de vencer foi maior que o medo de perder e fui melhorando. Então, tive uma grande inflamação sacroilíaca, uma espécie de efeito colateral da cirurgia de artrose, que limitava meus movimentos. Eu mal conseguia abaixar para calçar os sapatos. Voltei ao médico e ele disse que não seria difícil resolver meu problema. Seria necessário fazer uma denervação por rádiofrequência na articulação. Dentro da sala para fazer tal procedimento, recebi o convite do UFC para lutar em Porto Alegre. Perguntei ao médico na mesma hora se poderia aceitar. Ele me deu o 'ok', desde que eu me sentisse bem diante de tudo que eu havia passado. Aceitei ali mesmo o desafio, dentro da sala de cirurgia. Daquele dia em diante, foquei ainda mais nos treinos, dei o meu melhor na fisioterapia, na dieta, descanso e nos treinamentos. Foi um grande aprendizado. Cheguei bem para o combate, bem treinado e sem nenhuma limitação. Não venci a luta dentro do octógono, mas venci fora dele.

Saio de cabeça erguida, pois sei que dei o meu melhor. A dor é passageira, pois sei que vou voltar a vencer em breve. A vitória que levo de Porto Alegre é a superação, e isso não é novidade para mim. Toda minha vida foi de conquistas em cima de muito sacrifício, nada veio de graça. Eu volto em breve, e quero ter de novo o apoio de vocês, meus fãs e amigos. Obriado,

Cezar Mutante

Dude wrote a dissertation to explain why he got his jaw rocked


And I'm still a fan :mjcry:

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Supposedly, this guy was harassing Neer online.


It's nice that a troll talkin shyt got his and all

but dude is a poor martial artist for wailing on an amateur that. the elbows without pads and kicking him in the face when he's down. not cool. the guy looked like he was sleep or rocked the whole time too. That's too far for just teaching a lesson, this coulda been a huge liability for his gym

Another Man

Trappin w/ Benzino
May 1, 2012
Red Roof Inn
Supposedly, this guy was harassing Neer online.


I guess dude was a boxer who actually used to train at Neers gym before. I find it kinda sus that they obviously didnt upload the whole session in its money dude was embarrassing him on the feet till he got taken down. :mjpls: Neers always seemed like an a$$hole anyways. Lets see him try that shyt on an mma fighter of equal or greater skill or at least see dude in a boxing match cuz what he did was some bytch shyt.
Sep 14, 2013
It's nice that a troll talkin shyt got his and all

but dude is a poor martial artist for wailing on an amateur that. the elbows without pads and kicking him in the face when he's down. not cool. the guy looked like he was sleep or rocked the whole time too. That's too far for just teaching a lesson, this coulda been a huge liability for his gym
I dont know, Ill wait to get all the facts, see what he said...But I really dont feel sorry for dudes who constantly pop shyt online then get their ass handed to them irl,,, reminds me of deontay wilder slappin around that cac troll awhile back...but they stopped early, they should of let Deontay do more damage :demonic:
Sep 14, 2013
Former UFC fighter Josh "The Dentist" Neer posted a brutal 14 second video on Youtube (which you can view at the top of the page) of him delivering heavy punishment on someone at his gym. The unidentified man can be seen getting viciously elbowed and punched repeatedly by Neer, who then threw a closing soccer kick to his head even after they were separated.

Bloody Elbow's John Nash spoke with Neer, who provided us with this official statement as well as Facebook messages sent to him prior to the fight:

"Basically the guys a dumbass and been talking shyt about MMA fighters for a month. On and on, I usually ignore him but this Saturday he wrote me on Facebook the message i gave. He had written 10 messages to me talking shyt which I ignored, but this time I said if you really want to fight come to the gym Monday at 5:30.

I don't know what his problem is but he's a big guy, like 6-6 and 270 pounds and just acts like a bully. That what he seems like to me, just a bully.

He showed up at 6:10, 40 mins into my practice. And then I asked him if he wanted to fight Rakim or me and Rakim is bigger then me so of course he chose me."

Pop shyt? get your ass handed to you:yeshrug:

6'6 around 270 starting shyt with 5'10 welterweight :scust:

The Infamous

Aug 9, 2012
Supposedly, this is what happened:
Ok the reality of this story: My boy was there and was calling for the fight to be stopped well before the beat down.

This was a 40 minute fight and Patrick i think his name is ( the troll ) was basically out slicking Josh. He wasn't really attempting to hurt Josh and started pulling punches when he realised Josh couldnt hurt him or get near him. When he tried for a take down Patrick would move out and push him down which served to enrage Josh. Patrick was apparently putting on a boxing clinic

Patrick started to tire and said ok thats enough. He felt he had proved a point, and when he arrived it seemed friendly enough, smiles and sportsmanship even after all the online bullshyt, but Josh turned things serious and kept coming.

Patrick just started to gas and he isn't in fight shape and Josh just capitalised on a totally gassed and unfit opponent which is pretty disgusting imo
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