45 events in one 2015 is just too much. I say what, 5 events in July? Damn!
Does anyone know why the UFC is playing this strategy? I hate to go back to the UFC 177 card, but damn...there are guys main eventing fight nights that I've never heard of, and I've been a die hard fan of the sport since the 90's and I participate in it. If I can't keep up with all of these events, how the hell does the regular person keep up with them?
I sort of feel like the UFC has reached its peak here in America. maybe not in other markets, but it really seems like all the big stars are either gone, on their way out, or injured. The UFC needs a better system for finding the next crop of legit stars than TUF. I think that's a big problem right there. The way the current system works is flawed. Other sports have systems in place to guarantee the next group of stars.
In MMA you get one breakthrough guy that gets to the top, then they get the money to actually train like a legit pro athlete. Meanwhile their opponents often have to teach classes at their gyms on the side to make ends meet. Very few of these fighters have the money and resources to actually train, eat, and sleep like pro athletes. Also we all know the judging needs to be overhauled, etc.
Not trying to be a downer. I want to be excited about the UFC in 2015. It's just hard, outside of a few fighters.