aight man...
so there's this right: 5-24-20 87 =].wav
and there's this:
what should i be hearing and conceptualizing to bridge the gap
my beat is kind of just raw out the box (maschine forever) with not a lot more than just sidechain compression with the drums and other elements, but... still...
i do tend to have a lot of components and like echo's n shyt, but. need a bit of guidance, would love some direction pointing.
In the reference the drums have quite a bit of weight on them... The snare feels like it's sitting right up's got a lot of that midrange pop and some reverb on it...which is being added in or is brought up by compression.
I would say think of using Parallel compression or layering to fatten up the drums and make sure your snare comes up and drives the groove...
The kick also sounds like it's low passed and taking up most of the really low sub stuff...while the bass takes the register up and drops in low on the down beat...
Delay on the fills are like a eighth note triplet...

I'll give it another listen in a minute.. and put up an analyzer.
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