So basically you are critical that a show kills major characters to show the stakes of the situations they get into and would rather only see non-contract bit players die?
Not what I'm saying at all. But lemme keep reading
Arrow is a faster paced show but they also have long-term story. The entire Slade storyline was 2 seasons in the making. They have been dropping bits and pieces of the League of Assassins and Ras al Ghul since season 1.
This is true but they've been mentioning all of these things from jump. I appreciate the subtleties of foreshadowing over a show pretty much telling me what will be in the story down the line before it happens.
Agents of Shield were fighting against Hydra for a full season and we ain't even know it til the last four episodes. That kind of storytelling I appreciate over "hero fights villain all season, villain kills a main character, hero bests villain, wash, rinse repeat."
I also either don't like the acting or the script on Arrow but that's not an advantage for AOS, just an observation.
And nothing is more corny than the constant name dropping of Marvel Movie characters on AOS.
I do agree that the Oliver/Felicity relationship thing is asscheeks though.
I completely disagree. I understand why you feel that way, but think about this as if it were real life. Of COURSE Marvel movie characters would be discussed/brought up/mentioned like a celebrity... they're the celebrities of the Marvel universe. Not to mention one of the main characters had spent time working alongside these superheroes.
If some masked douchebag told me "J Murder... You have FAILED this city!!!" I'd probably

and walk off like he was some crazy homeless person looking for change.
With that said though Arrow has its qualities, but it definitely reeks of early Smallville in that it nails a lot of good things early but the bad things will probably end up overshadowing them in a few years.