The OFFICIAL Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." Season 2 thread.

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
Arrow is very cliched to me and I think y'all overrate it because it gives y'all instant satisfaction with the villains and fights. AOS had a shaky start I'll agree...but the complexities and decision making with this show I think puts it over. There's a lot I don't like about Arrow even though the things it got right from jump made it a better show than AOS. Three seasons in and (to my knowledge since I didn't finish watching the third season) there have already been three main characters killed off for no real reason. The novelty factor of Arrow will wear off real soon imo...
Every major death on Arrow had a legit reason from Tommy to Mama Queen to Sara.
Killing Tripp on AOS was about as random and bullshyt a death as anything I can think of and the writers even admit that they killed him just to give Skye some emotional pain and he was chosen basically by a process of elimination. There was nothing organic about it unlike the 3 deaths on Arrow.
And point out anything more novelty than AOS with its constant name dropping of characters that will never show up on the actual show.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Every major death on Arrow had a legit reason from Tommy to Mama Queen to Sara.
Killing Tripp on AOS was about as random and bullshyt a death as anything I can think of and the writers even admit that they killed him just to give Skye some emotional pain and he was chosen basically by a process of elimination. There was nothing organic about it unlike the 3 deaths on Arrow.
And point out anything more novelty than AOS with its constant name dropping of characters that will never show up on the actual show.

:salute: They all served a purpose: Tommy showed Oliver that he's got to be a better man and a better hero by valuing life and not being so cavalier at taking it. His mom's death put a nice dramatic split between he and Thea while bringing them closer at the same time and showing him once again that there are consequences from the life he's leading; he can't have that life that he wants where he can be close to someone and be arrow so he has to make a choice. And Sara's death is all part of the League of Assassins storyline


SOHH Member since 01...
May 3, 2012
Bronx, NYC
Every major death on Arrow had a legit reason from Tommy to Mama Queen to Sara.
Killing Tripp on AOS was about as random and bullshyt a death as anything I can think of and the writers even admit that they killed him just to give Skye some emotional pain and he was chosen basically by a process of elimination. There was nothing organic about it unlike the 3 deaths on Arrow.
And point out anything more novelty than AOS with its constant name dropping of characters that will never show up on the actual show.
The fact that you compared Tripp who was never even acknowledged as a main character to those characters kind of proves my point. He wasn't doing anything on the show and he only made it to that episode to give Daisy a reason to show off her powers. Meanwhile, we had Tommy die I guess to get Oliver to stop killing, Moira die to... Uhh... Show that Slade was really a villain (?), and Sarah... Well I won't judge on that one since I haven't watched the full season but at this point it's ridiculous. These characters who I barely care about because the acting and scenarios are so over the top that I'm only into it because I like the comics are just dropping like flies. At what point do you think I'm gonna stop caring about everyone except the main character?

And another thing... This mufukka has had like 4 love interests since he came back off the island like :what: I'm supposed to believe in this relationship with Felicity now after he dumped his girlfriend for her sister, who left him, but he still loves his ex, but no he really likes Felicity though? :mindblown:

There's something to be said for being patient with storylines...Arrow does not do that IMO.

And for the love of God "insert name, you have failed this city" is one of the more corny things I've heard on television ever. It's not even good corny... It's cringe when you hear it corny. And they made a point to do it all the fukking time :mindblown:


SOHH Member since 01...
May 3, 2012
Bronx, NYC
:salute: They all served a purpose: Tommy showed Oliver that he's got to be a better man and a better hero by valuing life and not being so cavalier at taking it. His mom's death put a nice dramatic split between he and Thea while bringing them closer at the same time and showing him once again that there are consequences from the life he's leading; he can't have that life that he wants where he can be close to someone and be arrow so he has to make a choice. And Sara's death is all part of the League of Assassins storyline

Ehhh the only one I feel had weight was Tommy and that was in season 1. Thea ain't leave cause Oliver got her mom killed, but she leaves cause Roy got arrows in his bag.


I'm tired of lies so I'm gonna go hang out with my father who tried to destroy my whole city and inadvertently killed my brother/crush in the process


Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
The fact that you compared Tripp who was never even acknowledged as a main character to those characters kind of proves my point. He wasn't doing anything on the show and he only made it to that episode to give Daisy a reason to show off her powers. Meanwhile, we had Tommy die I guess to get Oliver to stop killing, Moira die to... Uhh... Show that Slade was really a villain (?), and Sarah... Well I won't judge on that one since I haven't watched the full season but at this point it's ridiculous. These characters who I barely care about because the acting and scenarios are so over the top that I'm only into it because I like the comics are just dropping like flies. At what point do you think I'm gonna stop caring about everyone except the main character?

And another thing... This mufukka has had like 4 love interests since he came back off the island like :what: I'm supposed to believe in this relationship with Felicity now after he dumped his girlfriend for her sister, who left him, but he still loves his ex, but no he really likes Felicity though? :mindblown:

There's something to be said for being patient with storylines...Arrow does not do that IMO.

And for the love of God "insert name, you have failed this city" is one of the more corny things I've heard on television ever. It's not even good corny... It's cringe when you hear it corny. And they made a point to do it all the fukking time :mindblown:
So basically you are critical that a show kills major characters to show the stakes of the situations they get into and would rather only see non-contract bit players die?
Arrow is a faster paced show but they also have long-term story. The entire Slade storyline was 2 seasons in the making. They have been dropping bits and pieces of the League of Assassins and Ras al Ghul since season 1.
And nothing is more corny than the constant name dropping of Marvel Movie characters on AOS.

I do agree that the Oliver/Felicity relationship thing is asscheeks though.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
So basically you are critical that a show kills major characters to show the stakes of the situations they get into and would rather only see non-contract bit players die?
Arrow is a faster paced show but they also have long-term story. The entire Slade storyline was 2 seasons in the making. They have been dropping bits and pieces of the League of Assassins and Ras al Ghul since season 1.
And nothing is more corny than the constant name dropping of Marvel Movie characters on AOS.

I do agree that the Oliver/Felicity relationship thing is asscheeks though.

Just going to let you hold this debate down breh


Wtf u talkin bout? Ya Bish
May 28, 2012
FayetteNam, North Carolina #byrdgang
if u think agent carter is better than AOS then u must be more of a fan of big titties than me cuz its really not....its sorta solid but i just cant see it keeping me interested for even 6 more eps


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
if u think agent carter is better than AOS then u must be more of a fan of big titties than me cuz its really not....its sorta solid but i just cant see it keeping me interested for even 6 more eps

:yeshrug: I'm sorry, I enjoyed these first 2 episodes of "Agent Carter" that aired last week more than I enjoyed the entire 2nd season of "Agents" so far.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
if u think agent carter is better than AOS then u must be more of a fan of big titties than me cuz its really not....its sorta solid but i just cant see it keeping me interested for even 6 more eps

Just think it understands the world its in and the characters more. Shield just loss me when it made every character a walking talking quip machine and didn't give them separate voices

Spiritual Stratocaster

Jesus is KING
Aug 14, 2014
if u think agent carter is better than AOS then u must be more of a fan of big titties than me cuz its really not....its sorta solid but i just cant see it keeping me interested for even 6 more eps

I mean Agent Carter was one of the better things from the first Capt America movie to me.

I never really got into SHIELD though..i'll probably give it another shot but I just couldn't seem to care about the characters first time around.:manny:


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County

I mean Agent Carter was one of the better things from the first Capt America movie to me.

I never really got into SHIELD though..i'll probably give it another shot but I just couldn't seem to care about the characters first time around.:manny:

That's how I feel about it. If I don't care about the characters then the show is automatically a miss for me


Wtf u talkin bout? Ya Bish
May 28, 2012
FayetteNam, North Carolina #byrdgang
:yeshrug: I'm sorry, I enjoyed these first 2 episodes of "Agent Carter" that aired last week more than I enjoyed the entire 2nd season of "Agents" so far.
different strokes for different folks i guess but that 2nd ep of agent carter was just meh to me. shyt after stark dad left the first ep was just meh to me tbh :yeshrug:

I mean Agent Carter was one of the better things from the first Capt America movie to me.

I never really got into SHIELD though..i'll probably give it another shot but I just couldn't seem to care about the characters first time around.:manny:
well i pretty much only liked the last 15min of the first cap so that may be why this does nothing for me, plus the lack of minorities (minus the lil bubbles cameo and yea i do know wat time period it is and i still give no fuks). Peggy Carter is a good character but nothing much about her world interest me besides those big ass titties that i wont be seeing :manny:
Just think it understands the world its in and the characters more. Shield just loss me when it made every character a walking talking quip machine and didn't give them separate voices
i feel ya on that but after the events of cap 2 it got way better and stakes were higher which made for a better show....this newest season has been as solid as the newest arrow season imo and im a diehard arrow fan :ehh:


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
different strokes for different folks i guess but that 2nd ep of agent carter was just meh to me. shyt after stark dad left the first ep was just meh to me tbh :yeshrug:

well i pretty much only liked the last 15min of the first cap so that may be why this does nothing for me, plus the lack of minorities (minus the lil bubbles cameo and yea i do know wat time period it is and i still give no fuks). Peggy Carter is a good character but nothing much about her world interest me besides those big ass titties that i wont be seeing :manny:
i feel ya on that but after the events of cap 2 it got way better and stakes were higher which made for a better show....this newest season has been as solid as the newest arrow season imo and im a diehard arrow fan :ehh:

I've been watching it breh and while it's better, it's still not that good and I'm still kinda disinterested. I want to be interested but it's just a tough watch for me and I'm just kinda tuning it out right now.