YO!!!! MAN!!! WTF?? We going on day 2 and still no links???? Does a nicca have to reup his DTV plan?![]()
YO!!!! MAN!!! WTF?? We going on day 2 and still no links???? Does a nicca have to reup his DTV plan?![]()
Solid debut by Kobra Moon, she definitely needs to put a bit more work into that offense (soft-ass looking kicks and knees) but luckily Bengala is gold. Also, dat ass.
Drago vs Jack Evans was really good. Yeah, that Inside Out Blockbuster should've probably ended the match (or at least be sold more by Evans like he did that DDT a bit before it) but it makes sense as a huge upset win (with legs on the rope) to give Jack Evans some major heat. Besides, that commentary...
'Jack Evans brings that break dance fighting style, but it looks like Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five just got Marley Marl'd.' - Matt "Mark" Striker
Last Luchador Standing Match was great, but Cuerno and Fenix are among the best in LU so no surprises there. That stairs/table spot though. Holy shyt indeed.
Last but not least, those vignettes get crazier by the week and I love it. Aerostar being some kind of ancient cosmic deity, Konnan being confirmed dead (wow!) and an undercover cop in the Crew chasing down Dario Cueto.![]()
Konnan dead?!
The audience was a bunch of savages, chanting BESO! BESO!![]()
Konnan dead?!
Last season the Disciples of Death put him in a casket and carried him out. In the vignette between Catrina and Puma she talked about his cries from it. shyt seems pretty confirmed to me.