OK Here are the names that are floating around in relation to the Knicks. I'll name them all even the obvious ones discussed before:
Steve Nash
Ray Allen
Rashard Lewis
Jason Kidd
Michael Redd
Marcus Camby
Randy Foye
Mostly veterans but I guess its not bad for a mini mid. If the Knicks even think about trading Shumpert Im going to be pissed. Keep mortgaging our future on old ass men will not get us chips. We need to say fukk Nash, let him go to bummy ass Toronto so we can see him for 5 games and whip his ass every time. We match the Lin offer, bring back JR and Novak, sign Randy Foye and work with SUmmer League and grab some undrafted players and some minimum vets and we just work with what we have and get Lin playing like he was on that run. We forget but Lin still average 14 and 6 for the year in his 2nd year which is pretty good. All we need is for him to read defenses better and cut down on turnovers and we're looking at a guy capable of putting up Rondo numbers.