Lin shouldn't have commented on his health during the playoffs. The argument that SAS is making in that regard is solid.
it's a decent argument, but one that doesn't hold weight. If Lin was a football player he'd be backing him up 100%, but since it's basketball he's condemning him

The facts are, the Knicks could've sealed Lin up during the season but didn't even though they were running him into the ground. Business move. So after Lin got hurt, he decided that he wasn't going to risk further injury to himself so that he would have a chance in the free agent market, but also as an NBA player. Business move. It goes both ways.'re right he shouldn't have commented on it. 85%....ugh
He's being a douche...but like I've been saying he's got the pulse of what the Knicks are truly looking to do. And unless Dolan has a last second change of heart on his own...Lin is gone.
Trying to pass this off as Lin's contract will restrict the Knicks ability to make moves is blatantly lying. The only thing Lin's contract will affect is Dolan's wallet.