Dum Shiny
Sticking to just talking about the wrestling character
the side of me that’s into the super natural weirdos with big entrances is intrigued but he really should watch 1998 Taz to see how to execute that characters move set.
He doesn’t come across like he’s “trying to hurt anyone” even though his character is to be this mma hybrid.
Shayna Comes off like she’s trying to detach people’s heads when she chokes them, there’s a level of cruelty that he needs to kick it up to with that style.
I think a part of that comes from her having a real combat sport background. One of the biggest things I think people underestimate about combat sport is the mentality necessary to thrive in it. You have to want to hurt people, to an extent.
When translating that to wrestling (a simulation of combat sport), some aspect of that has to cross over to an extent. Shayna gets it (having actually been a fighter), Kross doesn't.