Karens are the worst. How long before white bytches say its derogatory and anti woman to call a bytch a Karen
The label of "angry" black woman is really rooted in gaslighting and deflection by white people. The deflection allows white people to shift the narrative to the black woman's behavior instead of their own action, and the gaslighting is manipulation that makes a black women question their behavior and judgement. "Am I being too angry?" "Do I stay cool?" "Or do I show aggression and risk being labeled as a angry/bad person which can have bad personal reputation and career effects?" It's a way of trying to keep black women in their place.
"where is the other verizon, you fukking devil?"
"they cant hear me because they are listening to kidz bop"
This should be the new Karen's gone crazy avatar. Nothing more Karen then throwing salt on their black female contemparies.
They make Tyeshia the face becauseHow in the world did black women get the "angry" label?