The Official Karen Megathread

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
Commentary: ‘Karen’ is an easy target. The truth about white nationalism is much worse

In an image made from a video provided by Christian Cooper, Amy Cooper holds her unleashed dog as she talks to Christian Cooper in New York’s Central Park.
(Christian Cooper / AP)
JULY 9, 2020
12:11 PM
Karen is a woman of many faces.

She’s the furious shopper who pitches a tantrum — and her grocery basket — at Trader Joe’s employees when they ask her to comply with state regulations and wear a mask. She’s the dog walker who erupts when a Black man requests she leash her pet, weaponizing her 911 call to make a false claim: “An African American man is threatening my life!” She’s the defiant grandmother who aggressively sits on another motorist’s car to stop them from getting a parking spot she wants.

The embodiment of white female privilege, she may be the most obsessively watched meme of this particularly fraught moment in our nation’s history.

Unaffectionately called “Karens” all over Tik Tok, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram, these avengers of small causes act with impunity toward anything or anyone who inconveniences them. Viral videos of middle-aged, Anglo women screaming “I want to speak to the manager!” aren’t new. But just as times have changed, so have Karen’s freakouts, and now she’s hit critical mass.

America’s nationwide reckoning with racism, in the midst of a pandemic, on top of an economic crisis, following a shortage of toilet paper, has seriously rocked Karen’s world and now, the angry lady in Capri pants is everywhere. #COVIDKaren, #GasStationKaren, #PermitKaren, #KarensGoneWild, #KarenoftheDay.

Outburst after outburst, the clips have amassed millions of views and triggered a heated debate around the meaning and intention behind the meme. Indeed, a controversy recently erupted over the national obsession with Karen’s eruptions. Several progressives, critics and feminists argue that the internet’s female archetype of white privilege is in itself sexist, part of an age-old effort to shame women who speak out. Why does the guy standing next to Karen usually get a pass?

But don’t mistake Karens for Gloria Steinem. Because the real reason most of these videos have catapulted to the top of your search results comes down to one thing: racism.

“You’re going back to Mexico,” yells a blond woman to a Native American female in a gas station convenience store before grabbing her. The aggressor suffers a hardy slap across the face by the clip’s end. #HomeDepotKaren in Illinois cited “white power” as her excuse for refusing to wear a mask: “Yes, I am entitled. I’m white. I’m a woman.” One Karen called the police on a Black girl selling bottled water, while another demanded a cop do something about a Black family committing the heinous crime of barbecuing one Sunday in the park.

The Karen hate-watching obsession may not be healthy, but it is instructive.

Her absurdly outsized reaction to the smallest of stressors (see #RedLobsterKaren) may seem funny at first, but she’s also dangerous. Karen represents a faction of the population threatened by the prospect of losing its place atop a toxic, racial hierarchy rooted in the original sin of slavery. And she holds an ugly place in history.


In the March 9, 2019, episode of “Saturday Night Live,” sketch “The Impossible Hulk” sees an angry Idris Elba morph into Cecily Strong, above.
(Rosalind O’Connor / NBCU via Getty Images)
Fourteen-year-old Emmett Till, who was Black, was lynched in 1955 after being accused of flirting with a white woman in Mississippi. The woman admitted years later that the story was untrue. Perhaps Till’s life could have been spared if cameras were present to refute her story.

The resurgence of white supremacy as an accepted political ideology — from President Trump’s continuous effort to normalize and leverage bigotry to Fox News personalities painting diversity as the enemy — has no doubt emboldened Karen.

Suburban women with sassy bobs have been singled out as the go-to choice for today’s brand of intolerance. But why? From Charlottesville to George Floyd’s Memorial Day killing by Minneapolis cops, racist acts perpetrated by men aren’t exactly scarce. The pivot toward women is likely because men are much scarier, and their hate and fear of the other is associated with unspeakable acts of violence, be it the Tulsa race massacre, the KKK’s reign of terror, a mass shooting in a church or the murder of a Black man who went out for a short jog and never returned home.

The most popular memes, after all, hold some semblance of entertainment value, even when they are rooted in hate.

Enter Karen: seemingly harmless enough to laugh at yet hateful enough to skewer. A mascot, of sorts, who bridges the gap between the violent truth of white nationalism and the satisfying reality that she often lacks power to keep people of color “in their place” and it’s freaking her the hell out.

Freaking out many viewers of the videos is the knowledge that red states are hardly Karen’s only habitat. A white couple was caught on tape condemning James Juanillo, who is Filipino, of vandalism as he stenciled “Black Lives Matter” on the wall in front of his own home in San Francisco’s upscale Pacific Heights. The accusatory male started the exchange but it was his female counterpart who gained TikTok notoriety.

“Are you defacing private property?” the man asked Juanillo. “You’re free to express your opinions. Just not on people’s property.”

“So if I did live here and it was my property, this would be absolutely fine?” Juanillo replied. “And you don’t know if I live here or if this is my property.”

“We actually do know,” chimed in “Karen,” who claimed to know the homeowner, and of course threatened to call the police. When the video was posted on Twitter, #SanFranciscoKaren bore the brunt of the shaming. Juanillo called her approach “polite” racism, “like respectfully, you don’t belong here.”

Women have lacked power for so long that even while exhibiting racism they aren’t taken completely seriously. A 2019 “SNL” skit starring Idris Elba satirized that bottled rage in a spoof based on “The Incredible Hulk.” They renamed it “The Impossible Hulk.” When Elba’s character felt he was being treated unfairly, his rage triggered a violent transformation and he morphed from a Black man into an angry, entitled white woman. When she raged, exasperated waiters and store clerks acquiesced.

Karen will not be ignored, but she can certainly be shamed. She should also be feared.


Jul 30, 2012
Can you imagine dealing with a Karen in real life? Holy shyt. I wouldn't know what to do. My instinct is to be violent and gauge the bytch's eyes out with a fukking butter knife.....but you can't do that in today's world. When you're a victim of racism you have to be docile and submissive, never raise your voice, don't use curse words, don't fight back.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Can you imagine dealing with a Karen in real life? Holy shyt. I wouldn't know what to do. My instinct is to be violent and gauge the bytch's eyes out with a fukking butter knife.....but you can't do that in today's world. When you're a victim of racism you have to be docile and submissive, never raise your voice, don't use curse words, don't fight back.
I almost did a couple of months ago, but my baby’s mother’s father saved me.

I pulled up and parked in front of his house. I was only there for about 30 seconds before the next door neighbor (middle-aged white lady) walked up to my car and started motioning for me to roll the window down. I did and was ready to cuss her out but my girl’s dad came out the house and politely told her I was there to see them.

Then the bytch got all nice and was like “Ok I just wanted to know why you were in front of my yard” and started laughing. Keep in mind, I wasn’t in front of her house. I was in front of the house next to her. It’s possibly that a few inches of my front bumper may have been past her property line, but I was parked on a public street.

If my girl’s dad didn’t come out, it may have gotten ugly cause I wasn’t gonna tell her shyt about who I was or why I was there. I was gonna tell her to fukk off and mind her business.