This kind of talk has spread here...I was watching Fox (don't ask) Life, Liberty, and Levin this evening and he had some British guy on who emphasized the following points:
1. Palestinians in Gaza = Hamas, they elected Hamas and support the terror (all 2 million basically are accomplices)
2. Palestinians in the West Bank = Hamas; the 2 state solution is crap because everyone knows Hamas would win an election in the West Bank, take over Ramallah and become a terror state bordering Jersusalem
3. He talked to a leftist in the hospital in Israel who lost his family on 10/7 who supposedly told him Gaza should be turned into a "potato field" (this was actually the Morgenthau Plan for Germany after WWII for historical reference). This shows there are no more doves in Israel and they all want to give them that work.
4. Cowardly Western politicians are demanding a two state solution after Israel suffered a horrific attack and is defending itself against terror. A two state solution will never work because of #3. Palestinians voting in Hamas in Gaza in one election proves what they would do if they had a state.
5. Surveys among Palestinians supposedly show a wide support for terrorism and this is intrinsic to them as a people and culture
6. Pro-Palestinian protestors hate America but would never live in Gaza
I am not optimistic about a middle ground any time soon.