- Danny and Coleen are still dull with Coleens only redeeming factor being that's she's cute to watch. I think I've said this in the S2 LC thread or the Defenders thread but the reason I feel Danny is boring to me is because his character doesn't feel special or isn't special enough to carry full seasons, he's not meant to be a character to watch for long instances. He's better off as a cameo character or given small roles.
- Joy was still annoying and petty and I wished so hard that she died in every episode.
- Davos was alright at first but when he revealed his big plan I was disappointed because the way they built it up made it seem like him and Joy were up to something really twisted to fukk with Dannys head but nope. I also understand his motivations for doing what he did but after watching what people like Bushmaster went through I just didn't care.
- Fighting was better. I like how they made absolutely sure to let us know that they were working on the fighting in the first 3 minutes of episode 1 lol
- Shockingly enough, Ward was one of my favourite characters this season mainly because he was thinking everything I was when someone would bring some stupid proposal to him

- Mary was awesome. I'm really interested in knowing more about her character and I hope she gets to crossover into the better marvel netflix series like luke cage or daredevil
- Turk
Overall though I'm not gonna rewatch this so it's a whole meh 3/10