On the iPad Mini SwiftKey looks an awful lot like the same default Apple keyboard in a darker color . Can't add the number row. Can't long press on the letters to get symbols. Is this just something they rushed out?
Dude trying to sell me an iPhone 6 gold 64GB for $550. If I wasn't on Sprint I'd snatch it up. I really wish I could swap sim cards to hot swap phones.
Anyway to hide apps on ios 8? havent updated to 8.0.2 yet
What's a good website for jailbreak news
He's on sprint. Probably an art/tmo versionDon't do it you won't get that much back if you'd try to sell it. Sprint phones have low resale value.
What's a good website for jailbreak news
Forgive the ignorance brothers, but on the iPhone 6 is there a way to get a picture of the person im texting to show up as an icon? For example in my contacts I have someone named "Becky" and there's a picture of her on the contacts screen but can I get that same picture to show up on the messages screen? My old HTC EVO was able to do that.
iOS 8 working fine on my 5siOS8 is a POS.
Wifi slow AF![]()