yea i hate the killer of the week format.. its just so unrealistic that serial killing is so commonplace in this universe and that all the serial killers are in the same town.
It seems like the show is just set in the DC/Maryland/Virginia region so its not that they're necessarily in the same town.. I think the main problem is that they're just becoming too cartoony. Especially the way they executed the first scene in last weeks Ep with the manbearpig guy jumping on the semi truck.. just that whole episode in general was a bit much
Last week we had a guy being sewed inside a dead horse
I really think NBC is pretty hands off in terms of content.
My point was more that the showrunners and writers realize that they are on NBC and think that they need to cater to a certain audience that usually watches shows on NBC. Some of the aspects of the show especially during the killer of the week episodes seemed a bit dumbed down to me (weird editing, too much exposition, unnecessary attempts at humor, ect) Obviously the gore, blood and violence constantly pushes the envelope