Dirty Mcdrawz
Your girl loves em....
black excellence? tobias was giving hannibal that work
Pretty sure he ate the eggs and sausage in the first episode.F. Fabergé;4229926 said:Is will the only person to not eat any of Hannibal's food? In earlier episodes, he was set up to eat but declined and left Hannibal's house. In this one, he put the spoon to his mouth but it didn't look like there was any actual food on the spoon. Has anyone else noticed this?
F. Fabergé;4228584 said:This episode was wild. I really dug how they tied the musical theme throughout. I knew that Will was hearing things because I said "How can he hear something in the chimney and the dogs not be aware?". Demore Barnes' performance as Tobias is/was spectacular. That dinner scene was so tense. Once he announced that he knew what he knew, I knew it was over for him. The ending of the episode was nicely done if just a tad unbelievable. The scene was a welcome surprise. I am somewhat wary as to how close they are bringing Hannibal's true self to Will because of how early it is in the show. I keep wondering how they will string him along before he finds out.
it was a hard sell but im starting to "get" mikkelson's lecter. im actually starting to feel, by comparison, hopkins' lecter left too little to the imagination. youre not really supposed to be able to tell he's crazy. mildy off-putting is more than enough...
anyway the fight scene was. nice little mirror-match episode for ya boy
TBF though hopkins lecter was already imprisoned, exposed as a criminal, constantly antagonized by others.... so he was in a different situation... mikkelsons lecter is still just a psychiatrist, helping out the feds, having dinner parties, walking among us![]()
there saying if NBC dont smarten up and renew it, a cable network gon scoop it up![]()
hannibal is a smart dude, keep your friends close enemies closer, hes going to be able to avoid detection and maintain his interests because he's so close to the feds and he's helping them out, we can see now will and hannibal are becoming even closer, and hannibal is smart enough to manipulate people (which imo we havent seen enough of yet)
thats why this show reminds me a lot of dexter, shyt it would have been the perfect replacement on showtime
and im gonna need some of those recipes, that dessert he was serving will![]()
Breh, I'm saying!
Every recipe Hannibal's been serving up in the show so far has been crack.
That breakfast he made for Abigail Hobbs![]()
Problem is if the show lasts then we know that hannibals not gonna get caught for a long time, so they gotta make will the focus not Hannibal otherwise the cat and mouse game is gonna get old.
If I had to guess I bet that reporter is the first to discover hannibal