Part 2 of the Mr. Somebody Vs @
I got a cryptically demonic message from friend saying *see you soon, friend* I was like

because i knew what it meant, i was going to have to stop playing tennis to catch another body.
He joined my streets with new and improved skills. Having called me the b word for using a helicopter and sniper rifle he had now equipped himself with the very same tools that he chastized me for using. I guess, friends, his critique was really a form of jealousy as he realized that upgrading his tactics to my level was a more tactical option for his survival. I can adapt though, i took it to the streets instead and just mowed him down like grass on more occasions then i can really count in here. At one point i believe i smashed my car into him at 100mph, squishing him between my car, and a wall.
After a while he took his headset off because the sound of my voice was making his soul burn slow and he vanished into another room. If you're reading this Pharoah, i want to extend my protection services to you. If you need someone to keep you safe out here holler at friends. After a brief apprenticeship studying my moves and tactics i think you could really become a force in Los Santos.