This game is GOAT when played with friends

Me and my crew members patrolled the streets of LS acting like a SWAT team, whenever a nikka committed and offense we was on his ass.
2 dudes in monster trucks and another with a speedy whip making up the ground team. Me and another breh up in the chopper to give air support. Nobody escaped us on that day
For a few hours the streets of LS and Blaine County were peaceful
breh breh, i got something you could try next time you online,
Hijack whoever is driving Simeon's "Green Logo" Wanted Car
1. Wait till someone gets in and starts to drive "Simeon's Car"
2. Go to the bottom right of the map to "Simeon's garage" (no one lounges around there)
3. Open your map and watch the driver, he should go to the Los Santo's Customs then make his way to the garage
4. Keep watching the map when he gets pretty close
5a. You should have placed a car blocking the garage opening and shoot the driver when he comes around the bend. The problem is he will know you are they via your white circle being close to his on the radar, thats when you....
5b. If your rank is high enough, you can call "Lester" and pay $500 to have your blimp on the radar DISAPPEAR for one full minute. The guy would think he's scott free to the garage when BAM, you shoot him and he is left like

6. You will get a wanted star and the guy you killed will likely spawn near you, thats when u drive away from Simeon's garage as fast as you can with the wanted car, lose the cops, and make sure the guy isnt waiting for you at the garage via checking the big map from the start menu (most people got bored and let me just have it)
I thought it was gonna be a small pay out but this nikka Simeon paid me $11,000 for a shot up car
i had a nikka giving me props for that sneak attack on the mic, he said i came out of nowhere
Guys, if you wanna beat survival, pick "Boneyard" and have every body go to the bottom of the map by the downed airplane thats behind the gate. There is a little shack that you can climb on top of and shoot from/take cover.
2 armors respawn after every wave (one infront of the gate, another on the wing of the downed air plane. ) plus weapons ( usually a carbon/advanced rifle. later on grenades, rocket launcher and Gatling gun) make sure around wave7/8 you look for the gatlin gun and rocket launchers to spawn. Youll need those to take out the helicopters.
I did this yesterday with 4 other dudes. we consistently made it to wave 7 (8400 cash 1100+rp) and even completed survival (20k cash 1500+ rp) multiple times.
the easiest survival imo is Boneyard. I've beaten it playing with randoms over 5 times.

just gotta get in a lobby with people who know where the best cover spots are.
Brehs, let me help you nikkas eat again cause yall playing the game wrong
1. Join a "Sandy Survival"
2. Run over to the 24/7 convenience store (behind the white Chinese restaurant sign" wall" to the left
3. Go to the right of the doors and jump over the cactus on the ground
4. press X to start climbing like you would over a wall
6. you can pluck off meth addicts and they cant even hit you (unless you let them from behind when they drive in the trucks
7. The bad part is you cant take down the helicopters because you are glitched in an invisible box type thing so you would need your other members to be helpful and take the helicopters out for you unless you think you can leave the glitch and do it yourself
just check online to find out more on this "store glitch"
helping yall nikkas out (even tho the coli got no love for me when im online, the coli got lil kliqs that only run with each other, i see yall