Official The Official Grime/UK Rap/UK Drill Thread

Dushane Hill

Mar 8, 2015
Squamish, British Columbia
cause its skepta and has a lot of heat on him at the moment, he's done a lot in the year so its kinda like "eh ok keep goin"

i dont know much about glasto or even care about it but i know people talked about him being on the triangle stage (i guess thats the main stage?)

its a good look and shows how far his come but its like meh it was bound to happen, he's at the top

if it was like a new mc with mad heat i can understand people being hype about it, but its skepta so its like people care and people dont care at the same time, nice of him to bring novelist and shorty on stage with him too.

Lol Glasto is the biggest festival in the country. It's not even about Skepta, what I'm saying is I never thought I'd see a full Grime set on their main stage, if he done the same set on the same stage back in 2007/8 (the "Is Grime gonna blow?" days) a lot more people would have been talking about it. Seems to have just flown over everyones head. For me it was quite a significant moment :yeshrug:

And why would people not care about Skepta? He's probably the most relevant/biggest Grime artist ATM, only Stormzy is bigger IMO.

mortuus est

May 26, 2012
Lol Glasto is the biggest festival in the country. It's not even about Skepta, what I'm saying is I never thought I'd see a full Grime set on their main stage, if he done the same set on the same stage back in 2007/8 (the "Is Grime gonna blow?" days) a lot more people would have been talking about it. Seems to have just flown over everyones head. For me it was quite a significant moment :yeshrug:

And why would people not care about Skepta? He's probably the most relevant/biggest Grime artist ATM, only Stormzy is bigger IMO.

oh is it, me and my peeps never been into festivals tbh, always kinda been a white folk ting , shyt weather and mud, we off that, going lovebox this week tho :wow:

i get what youre sayin, and i dont mean people dont care about skepta , they do, im just more on about "real grime heads" , to the other people yeah skeps is relevnt but alot of people didnt even feel like his album was moving, alot of heads were kind of disappointed so they move on, me personally im still waiting for the right time to listen to the album

or maybe im looking inn to deep but tbh he's main core fans care about him and i guess thats all that matters, or anything thing is people have been watching skeptas recent success so much they're tired now, when skepta performed in new york alot of people saw that as a big thing even tho skepta and jme and wiley and dizz have done shows in new york years before that lol but people were like "omg its finally happening ZOMG!!!" so maybe him being at glasto isnt really a thing to most of them .

Clapsteel O'Neal

put a red dot on your head like a hindu
May 10, 2012

Bars 27:30 onwards

31:30 are my bwoys tim and mike's beat

mike is a literal grime could tellyou the fuccin equipment a beat was made from just off the sounds and he was fuccin gassed merky was flowing over his beat cos merky was his favourite mc for years...imagine being a stan for an mc and then hear him flow over your beat and then after the show ask about the beat you made :wow: