So iv been playing this update a little since it came out and I really think my time playing this game is over, main reason being that I just can't keep up with the prices and cost of things and I simply don't have the time with friends a job and a girlfriend to grind for hours and hours, and I refuse to spend real money on fake game money no matter how much I can afford it feels better when you earn it.
Iv played this game on and off (usually taking a couple months off at at a time) since it came out nearly 3 years ago, I'm not a hardcore player of the game as in I play it every day, Sometimes not playing it for weeks but I'd say I'm more than just a casual gamer since my stats say I've played it for more than 20 days lol, but this update destroyed my cash, I'd saved 6m since the yacht update (which I also had to grind like fukk to afford even after the heists) till now and that disappeared buying an office and warehouse, that you fill up by doing generic diet contact missions, where you risk being blown up every 2 minutes because everyone has a jet..just to sell on in another mission where you're forced to use bullshyt vehicles that are only a lil bit more bearable once you upgrade them, which of course costs hundreds of thousands's all too much for very little fun in return.
All of the things added in the heist update was overwhelming as hell too but at least you payed for them by doing the heists, which were actually well thought out and fun as fukk with a few friends. I love this game but All my real life friends left this game a long time ago and I just have no ambition to play this anymore.
So long GTA it's been fun

I'll go back to giving rockstar their props when RDR2 or GTA6 roll around.