Uchiha God
Nah it's cool I just didn't want the pic to be posted twice on the same page.
People complain it slows down their phone loading the page.
Anyway, I'm rolling on the Ganyu banner but I'm only at like 30. So I'm not gonna get her. Which isI'm just rolling to get my pity up for Xiao and/or Hu Tao. I like the HP mechanics with their attack....reminds me of Final Fantasy, I'd always play Dark Knight and they had an ability called Souleater which did the same thing.
You gone fukk around and pull Ganyu, which is going to make me want to pull as well

I know Xiao's HP decreases when he pops his super, but I didn't know Hu Tao did the same? To be real, I'm not that familiar with Hu Tao, I've not seen any video of her. only thing I heard is that she summons ghost or some shyt