The very next 10 pull.
Got an R5 Stringless for him already so I don't care about the new weapon banner. Gonna save the rest of my pulls for Childe.
The very next 10 pull.
Got an R5 Stringless for him already so I don't care about the new weapon banner. Gonna save the rest of my pulls for Childe.
Any codes out for this new event?
How is Noelle, breh? I have her but sent her to the bench.Just got Venti. They almost fukked me by giving me another Jean, but I got him after a couple more 10 pulls. Farming his artifacts and getting him leveled, now I don't need anymore characters.
Also got Sucrose and Noelle at C6
How is Noelle, breh? I have her but sent her to the bench.
Resources are scarce so I want to be careful on who I level up. I can tell Genshin felt sorry for me for wasting about 70 pulls and getting nothing but a few 4 star weapons so they just gave me Mona, Razor, and a Diluc constellation.
I'm pretty much coasting and stacking primos until the Childe banner I guess.
I don't know why they went back to 3 weeks for Venti's banner. It's kinda dumb.
I get that people want Venti and Childe but Hu Tao and Xiao were only up for two weeks, we don't need re-runs for 6 weeks man.
So far the event games are cool, if a bit on the easy side. I'll be able to get the bow + R5 it tomorrow.
I don't know, I only use her to beat the Geo cube. She's good for protection, if you find yourself dying too much maybe put her in. I definitely need to use her more though.
I like that it's easy, this game is enough of a grind on its own lol. I also prefer this event over the Liyue lantern event by far. It's cool interacting with the monstadt crew instead of random NPCs.
I haven't done the "hang out" event yet.
I prefer Theater Mechanicus. These mini-games are cool but they're too simple. With Theater Mechanicus you could upgrade your towers, unlock new boards, etc.
I dunno, it just seems like they half-assed Mondstadt compared to Liyue.
The Lantern Festival had like 20 new quests....10x free wishes....a free 4* character....two new 5* characters....
With the Windblume Festival they gave us two re-runs of 5* characters....400 primogems....and fried chicken.