when I hear pundits and fans talk they don't have a enough time to implement a system/style. That's nonsense just look at Austria and Turkey. Rangnick and Montella been in the jobs for less than 2 years and both have clear distinct styles. Everyone knows their role. You cannot tell me after 8 years incharge you're unable to put in some sort of system in place. Your squad has atleast 15-20 players in it from the last 3 tournaments. And the defence has been together for 4.
While it was in a different time with more training camps. But both Sir Alf Ramsey and Carlos Bilardo (Mexico 86) spent 2 years working on their systems that won the World Cup. The trick was they worked on it in training but didn't reveal what they had been working on till the tournament.
It's funny on Friday morning I made a comment about Steve Holland in the Athletic Comment section about how he needs to start taking some blame with him being the so called coach and tactician. Not even 12 hours later there an Telegraph article online for today's paper mentioned it about the team outgrowing it's Waistcoat.