SAS hasn't changed at all. He's always been this way. People just focus on 1 or 2 moments where they don't agree with him and call him a c00n when they don't even know what the word means. This year, he defended Mike Tomlin after the NFL punished him, saying it was too much, he's keeps talking about black QBs and their lack of chances in the furor of Tebow mania, he's defended Cam when someone wrote a racist story/cartoon, He's always defend Kobe/Lebron/Wade, always says Doc Rivers is the best coach in the NBA...
i wont call him a c00n, but i disagree...he was doing all you said before he got laid off, but initially after returning to espn after doing the fox/cnn shows, he didnt do it as much...he also increased his criticism of blacks...he was going hard with coming up with reasons why blacks should stop calling the media and others out on their bullshyt, and would also find a way to try to spin it that it was black people fault...the peak of that was the zimmerman case and him blaming the hoodie for the brotha death...i'm thinking he went extra hard to show he was appreciative of the second chance espn was giving him...since then, he has more balance and is starting to get back to his old self...