Yeah but SAS is illogical when it comes to Kobe. He defends Kobe like the man is completely above any kind of criticism or scrutiny. Kobe's the best player of his generation, but if you even question anything, SAS acts like you just committed heresy. That's not a fair and unbiased thing that a writer is supposed to do. Apparently the only one who can even go there is Phi Jackson, because, you know...SAS hasn't changed at all. He's always been this way. People just focus on 1 or 2 moments where they don't agree with him and call him a c00n when they don't even know what the word means. This year, he defended Mike Tomlin after the NFL punished him, saying it was too much, he's keeps talking about black QBs and their lack of chances in the furor of Tebow mania, he's defended Cam when someone wrote a racist story/cartoon, He's always on Kobe's side of thinking, defends Lebron/Wade, always says Doc Rivers is the best coach in the NBA.
I do remember SAS defending Cam Newton though.