He was never an Israelite. He makes up that lie and pretends he's Black to give his lies validity. He posts videos from people of color who claim to be Hebrew Israelites when it serves his purpose, because he knows the source will look shady otherwise. He gets all his information from, or he actually is this guy here.
Anything else, he learns from watching Hebrew Israelite videos. He's the definition of a serpent.
Lol this is how you know @
LionofJudah is desperate at this point. He'll make up anything to try and discredit what I've been saying cause he has no answers for any of it.
But observe the following @
1. Anytime ANYONE disagrees with him he automatically calls them a devil, white, esau, agent etc. It's every online HI defense mechanism when they can't refute what you're saying.
2. I've never posted a video from that user, EVER. If LionofJudah had any common sense he shoulda said I get all my stuff from the TAKclassics, YHWHhasSpoken sosoreal2 and to a lesser extent (because they're agnostics) Rebel Alliance Media
when they have interviews with former members, seeing as they too are former members. But why should I limit the information I post just because HE disagrees with it?
If it's false, prove it to be false. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 says to prove all things.
3. I could easily post the same information myself, which I've done in the past. But some of these brothers present things in a way that hits much, much harder.
4. As he pointed out, I've posted videos from brothers who adhere to his belief concerning the ancient Hebrews,
but do NOT adhere to the erroneous teachings of the old UPK. Those are the best ones to use, cause he can't call bias there. Especially when they stay within scripture and cut up the false doctrines he subscribes to.
5. Truthfully, I really don't need to post their videos either, cause we have dudes on here like @
iLLaV3 who also disagree with @
LionofJudah concerning his stance on who can or can't be saved.
6. By contrast, LionofJudah actually embodies everything he accuses me of.
He's never been a member of any camp, so all the information he parrots comes straight from the various YT street preachers he watches. Which is hilarious, cause most of the camps he mimics actually hate one another & disagree on key doctrinal issues.
7. Whenever he posts a poorly put together argument (based on something he's parroting) and gets hit with a strong rebuttal dude gets flustered and runs. Particularly when you expose the true context of the verses he reads into, delve into history or breakdown passages using the languages of the bible. It's those sorta advantages that helps one see thru the mist of false teachings.
In short, he hates that I expose his ignorance at every turn. Case in point.
Not to hijack this thread, but I never got a chance to touch on this in the Hebrew-Israelite thread and found it to be humorous.
LionofJudah doesn't believe Hamites (Ethiopians, Egyptians, Cushytes etc) were negros/black people. He believes they are going into slavery or going to be destroyed along with white people.
Check this out this conversation between Arabs and Israelites from the movie The Message made in 1976. Take notice of the color of the Israelites.
The idiot posted up a clip from an old movie (
The Message) about Muhammad, where the Muslims are having a conversation with
Abyssinians(Ethiopans) IN ETHIOPIA, who coincidentally were christian during that time (just look at the crosses they're rocking). Talkin bout "The Israelites"

Whole reason why I go at him so hard is cause he's the biggest promoter of extreme Hebrew Israelite teachings on the-coli. He's also the least receptive to criticism when it comes to his unsound belief system.
If he had true knowledge, he'd stand his ground and refute what I'm saying with concrete evidence to prove me unlearned. because by ignoring me, he's actually proving me right every time.