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Who is to say a reboot will have a positive reactionIf it fails they will have to kill everything and re do it, my logic is why wait..
You have a terrible foundation in which this DCEU is based with shytty MoS, BvS is going to flop, and the notion that a movie like WW with no established director, no established star, a weak property, is going to some how get over 600 million when Captain America and iron Man first outings never broke 600 mil and were stronger properties and in the case of Iron man actually had a star (fallen at that time but a star none the less).
The writing is on the wall.
Either DC can stop it now and set about fixing things or they will waste a lot of money and end up reseting later and being less likely to put out film versions of their properties while they wait.
Man of Steel got mixed reviews
Batman vs Superman got mixed reviews
People are still hyped for Suicide Squad
People are hyped for Wonder Woman
They arent going to throw away money with shelving Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman, so you'll just have to get over it