@rantanamo Amazing the noise Garland High can make when they finally run a modern spread passing offense. They undefeated heading into the playoffs for the 1st time in how long?
Forgot to tackle somebody.
Just got done watching the game on Garland ISD's official YouTube channel...
They lost the game on missing 2 extra point FGs. That last second FG that failed because of a high snap from the center wouldn't have mattered if they made those 2 XP FGs earlier in the game.
Even if they won the game I doubt they would've made it far in the playoffs. Tyler Legacy's Front 7 & O-Line look bigger than Garland's Front 7 & O-Line. Garland's RBs & TE looked small compared to Tyler Legacy's RBs & TE too. Not to mention Tyler Legacy was a 5-5 team, while Garland was undefeated.
On the positive note, I'm happy to see the Wing-T offense has been bushed & Garland is running a modern spread RPO offense.