I put off biying city lights and wages of fear since they are on Hulu.NahWatched it on Hulu+ first.....was putting it off
Bought Brazil..which now makes 2 movies i called overrated that ive copped on blu (blade runner)

I put off biying city lights and wages of fear since they are on Hulu.NahWatched it on Hulu+ first.....was putting it off
So far this sale I've picked up M, Safe, The Fisher King, Hoop Dreams and The Friends of Eddie Coyle. M and Hoop Dreams are the only one I've seen before.
I'm thinking about getting In the Mood for Love and maybe a couple others like 3 Women and Gates of Heaven/Vernon, Florida, any recommendations?
city lights is the best chaplin, for my money
really need to see wages...sorcerer is a trip (and one of the highest quality blus i own)
Was hoping this was the Apu Trilogy or the Decalogue
Apu is coming in November. Decalogue is a ways off from what I've read.