nahhhh"stop being so sensitive, bytch" - Corey Holcomb
He should take his own advice.
......... But.....
I got a feeling Corey always wanted to go in on Marcus but didn't have a good excuse and is using those obvious jokes as the excuse.
how do you nikkas not understand this nikka corey yet?
he's good hearted but he's also very petty, effeminate and the way he quarrels.
dude can't help it he was raised by a woman.
he's very emotional.
he wants for people who he helps to hold him in high esteem, he wants you to kowtow to him if he's helped you the way a family member might help you or a really close friend would help you.
Problem is when those people stop hanging around corey he feels slighted (abandonment issues) but will never admit it.
Marcus didn't do anything to corey. maybe he felt a way about not being taken on tour or opening for corey.
Corey likely wanted to keep Marcus underneath him permanently, marcus wasn't about to do that. he (corey) really need to pour that good-heartedness into his estranged kids.