Essential The Official Contemporary Haitian Geopolitics/Event thread

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Both China and Russia wont force they hand just like venezuela with the Petro-caribe program. i think its more about waiting until someone get in power to sign off deals that being offered and building strong relationship afterwards between each other. so when it comes to china/Russia it doesn't matter what political party in power, its more about who will join them to take they offer but we know the haitian elite and neo-Duvalierists will stick to the criminal mafioso business the US help created for them in Haiti. Also in Haiti PHTK is killing the "brain power " by murdering the opposition and the youth
I already know about the bolded and the repeated massacres that been happening. But good point about the "sign off deals." But hasn't Charles Moise been going to Russia and has been a fan of Russia business deals? Of course his political party doesn't lead Haiti. But all in all the Haitian elite need to be removed.

Now i know China try to build relationship with Haiti about 9 years ago when they try to fund and rebuild(redo) PAP airport but the US got involved and dead the deal. fast foward two years ago China try to add Haiti to the road and belt but the US got involved again and dead the deal. When the UN occupation mission(2004) launch China and Russia (who both have seats in the U.N at the time) were both on board (or agreed if i remember right), with Russian i believe sending off two(or small number) military people down. Just a few months ago (about April)
the UN renew the new UN mission(basically the same mission before) with Haiti until Oct. 9 (i think), with only Russia and DR abstained to the 16-0 UN vote
Damn I didn't know China was trying to build relations for that long.

The difference between Haiti and Cuba/Venezuela is the US-installed puppet in Haiti is still in power with the new-old army retrained by the UN and the core group waiting to launch any min.

sadly this whole 15+ US proxy UN occupation mission and the core group planned almost end up to nothing because those c00n ass ex- haitian military fake rebels in 2004 almost lost. the first time they try to overtake haiti a few of them got killed in north Haiti and the ring leader Guy Philippe escape through the border to DR and the DR government kept him safe from extradition (saying haiti dont have extradition laws with them). the c00ns regroup in DR and Panama to recruit more ex military c00ns and death squad leaders .....
Yea I heard they almost got their ass whopped. Those rebels kept going back and forth into the DR.

PS: See the PM I sent you.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
@mson This shyt may interest you as it has me. China badly wants Haiti it seems and are back in trying to get Haiti to ditch Taiwan.
Beijing targets Haiti as bid to isolate Taiwan from its diplomatic allies heads to the Caribbean
Beijing targets Haiti as bid to isolate Taiwan heads to the Caribbean

China wants to have diplomatic relations with Haiti, but sets conditions

Now that Bolton is gone and Moise is isolated anything can really happen in my opinion. Not trying to get too optimistic. All in all Haiti badly needs infrastructure development and now. The elites ditching the one belt project still pisses me off. Like I said Taiwan is on borrowed time. Only 16 countries left who support it and the Solomon Island has been thinking about ditching them.

Solomon Islands prime minister says Taiwan 'completely useless to us'
Solomon Islands prime minister says Taiwan &#... | Taiwan News

Solomons task force recommends switch from Taiwan to Beijing
Solomons task force recommends switch from Taiwan to Beijing - Reuters

shyts inevitable at this point.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
@loyola llothta I'm surprised you or anyone else hasn't addressed this. nikka feeling the pressure

Trump Fires Bolton, Jovenel Moïse's Ally in Washington

Trump Fires Bolton, Jovenel Moïse's Ally in Washington

Jovenel Moïse no longer has the support of the United States and has already announced his intention to resign, "says a former minister Tèt Kale
Jovenel Moïse n’a plus le soutien des États-Unis et a déjà manifesté son intention de démissionner », assure un ex ministre Tèt Kale

Yep, he's becoming more and more isolated especially now that the nutcase known as John Bolton is out of the picture. John Bolton who was one of Moise's biggest American supporter. It is only inevitable that he resigns at least by next year. Even the Miami Herald who were pro-Moise govt turned on him with this article. The real issue is what happens next because we know the elites have some thing up their sleeves and are just sacrificing Moise plus it is doubtful the opposition will remain united after this.

Thoughts everyone?

i wouldn't trust any of those tet kale c00ns. if anything its the US and the core group in haiti trying to move pieces for they next stage in Haiti.

The US and UN wont leave Haiti, just look at the next UN move.... bringing the c00n army back (who where caught in 2010 being trained by the haitian death squad "rebels" who invaded haiti in 2004).

We where told back in 2006 by JJ(now dead) the UN and US were planning to rebuild and bring the haitian army back which nobody wanted. now who will "lead" this new US Haitian army forces?

we know haiti is already militarized as it is with different branch of police forces (remember the swat police c00ns were trying to kill Aristide just afew years ago).

we know baby doc family been in talks with officials in NY and Washington
we also know that one haitian elite is trying to run for next election

The removal of John Bolton dont change the US government and the core group supporting neo-Duvalierists in Haiti. PHTK and sweet mickey were put in placed by Hillary Clinton and Obama administration. When sweet mickey lost Hillary still made him president of Haiti. Now another PHTK in power who's just a stick puppet for the Core group and the US....The fake business man Banna (Jovenel Moise) who nobody knows (but that one haitian elite and sweet mickey).

Miami herald support US foreign policy, they just cant support Banna anymore, the boss already told them to jump shift . Miami Herald will always support the destruction of Haiti by the west just like they do for Venezuela and Cuba. past CIA ties and wikileaks connecting Miami Herald reporters to Hillary operation in Haiti will always who they stand with

since the US full takeover of Haiti (2004 US proxy UN occupation), the US have been placing the stooges all over in power everywhere in haiti and in the US. Before the US launch the "rebels" who pulled a "Libya" in Haiti before the fake rebels did in Libya , the US had think tanks meeting on how to fully bury Haiti in the early 2000 with 10 year planning ... for example: this sector of Canada operation to control this haiti sector

Haiti need to clean house like China and Cuba

Foreign NGO's that's no good need to go
USAID and NED (funded CIA operations) in Haiti need to go
tet kale need to go
haitian elite that trafficking drugs and guns with the police need to go
neo-Duvalierists need to go
those people who stole the petro-caribe program need to go
the hired tet kale murders need to go
old US haitian stooges need to go
UN and Core group need to go
the haitian army need to go
US controlled haitian police force need to go
build,secure and protect the boarder (not with c00n haitian police)

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Welp Solomon Islands just BUSHED Taiwan for China and the former are pissed.
In Blow to Taiwan, Solomon Islands Is Said to Switch Relations to China :no::no::no::no:
In Blow to Taiwan, Solomon Islands Is Said to Switch Relations to China

Only 15 diplomatic relations countries left for Taiwan. Can someone explain to me why Haiti needs Taiwan again? I'm all ears.

i wouldn't trust any of those tet kale c00ns. if anything its the US and the core group in haiti trying to move pieces for they next stage in Haiti.
Of course. However, I see the party sacrificing Moise to save themselves.

The US and UN wont leave Haiti, just look at the next UN move.... bringing the c00n army back (who where caught in 2010 being trained by the haitian death squad "rebels" who invaded haiti in 2004).
I mean of course. We all know they been doing the real damage to Haiti.

We where told back in 2006 by JJ(now dead) the UN and US were planning to rebuild and bring the haitian army back which nobody wanted. now who will "lead" this new US Haitian army forces?

we know haiti is already militarized as it is with different branch of police forces (remember the swat police c00ns were trying to kill Aristide just afew years ago).

we know baby doc family been in talks with officials in NY and Washington
we also know that one haitian elite is trying to run for next election
Yea that Lebanese/Syrian fakkit. Forgot his name. If he wins..... :snoop::snoop::snoop:

The removal of John Bolton dont change the US government and the core group supporting neo-Duvalierists in Haiti. PHTK and sweet mickey were put in placed by Hillary Clinton and Obama administration. When sweet mickey lost Hillary still made him president of Haiti. Now another PHTK in power who's just a stick puppet for the Core group and the US....The fake business man Banna (Jovenel Moise) who nobody knows (but that one haitian elite and sweet mickey).
Yea, it hardly changes anything but its a step. John Bolton has a vested interest in Haiti and was Moise biggest American supporter. He was also behind the 2004 coup. Yea we still have a long way to go but Bolton and even Hilary being out the way is still a huge L for the PHTK. But we'll see.

Miami herald support US foreign policy, they just cant support Banna anymore, the boss already told them to jump shift . Miami Herald will always support the destruction of Haiti by the west just like they do for Venezuela and Cuba. past CIA ties and wikileaks connecting Miami Herald reporters to Hillary operation in Haiti will always who they stand with

since the US full takeover of Haiti (2004 US proxy UN occupation), the US have been placing the stooges all over in power everywhere in haiti and in the US. Before the US launch the "rebels" who pulled a "Libya" in Haiti before the fake rebels did in Libya , the US had think tanks meeting on how to fully bury Haiti in the early 2000 with 10 year planning ... for example: this sector of Canada operation to control this haiti sector
I need to look more into the bolded. Do you have links?

Haiti need to clean house like China and Cuba
Haiti needs a Bolivorian style revolution where they purge the elites. I know many(and maybe you) will disagree but many Haitians never seen the elites as the ones causing the core issues really like with Venezuelans. If not then I feel free to be corrected.

Foreign NGO's that's no good need to go
USAID and NED (funded CIA operations) in Haiti need to go
tet kale need to go
haitian elite that trafficking drugs and guns with the police need to go
neo-Duvalierists need to go
those people who stole the petro-caribe program need to go
the hired tet kale murders need to go
old US haitian stooges need to go
UN and Core group need to go
the haitian army need to go
US controlled haitian police force need to go
build,secure and protect the boarder (not with c00n haitian police)

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
And this is why I am so against Taiwan people. @loyola llothta @ZoeGod @For Da Bag

You haven't done shyt for Haiti in terms of economic development for years yet are willing to fund the police more armor and weapons. At this point Taiwan is used by the West to keep Haiti down.

Never like them or south korea just bunch of US asian countries that practice white supremacy in haiti.

Im not suprise they been helping tet kale corruption the last past 9 years. I know the US recently just give them weapons to fight China.

the money they loan to haiti were just bribe money for tet kale and other corrupted Haitian officials to not switch to China. The money was too small to do anything productive for haiti plus Taiwan cashout more money to other nation in the Caribbean

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Never like them or south korea just bunch of US asian countries that practice white supremacy in haiti.

Im not suprise they been helping tet kale corruption the last past 9 years. I know the US recently just give them weapons to fight China.

the money they loan to haiti were just bribe money for tet kale and other corrupted Haitian officials to not switch to China. The money was too small to do anything productive for haiti plus Taiwan cashout more money to other nation in the Caribbean

I never trusted these fukkers. Rice paddies is all they have given Haiti all these years. :heh: But their time is almost up. Like I keep saying Taiwan is on borrowed time. Solomon Islands just ditched them(like any smart nation would) at this point I wouldn't be surprised if Haiti under the corrupt Tet Kale govt are Taiwan's LAST partners. smdh.

But yea its clearly bribe money.