Essential The Official Comic Book Discussion Thread [Support @Neuromancer’s book!]


May 2, 2012
I sometimes forget that a lot of these comic shop owners are the same type of fan who bytches and moans about any changes to a made up character.

They are fanboys with an entitlement complex.

Yeah a lot of them are more hobbyists than businessmen, and it shows when they complain about the most basic aspect of business: competition. :francis:

I understand this because the stability of their income is in the single issue. Giving the shops first rights helps their business. You walk into the shop to uy this weeks issue, you pick up a couple of other things.

But the LCS sell trades too, so it doesn't even make sense to delay them. In fact, they'd be losing a portion of their sales. Sometimes people will buy a trade and if they like it, they'll get the latest floppies to get caught up. You push trades back and it'll be near impossible to do that. It's not the most popular way to read, but it does happen. So they'd only be losing out on their own potential sales.

As for trades, everything doesn't need to be collected in trade. I agree with that. I have issues 1-10 piled up...why would I want to order trades of those same issues?

Are you speaking from the perspective of the comic shop or the fan? Either way, it's not for the average person who comes in every Wednesday to get the latest books. It's for the section who purposely waits for the trade, either for price, or because they prefer reading that way, or they just like having a bookshelf full of graphic novels. But whatever the case, the vast majority of those people trade wait for a reason. It's not like they're just gonna start buying floppies instead.

I also disagree that not everything needs to be collected in trade. The only times issues should be left out is if they're tie-ins to crossovers, or the odd Free Comic Book Day issue that's usually nothing but a recap of the series.

Aside from some of the events, which probably should be released as trades only, or some out of print stuff, trades are uneccesary.

I strongly disagree. The trades are a huge part of the market. There's a reason DC has been pushing Black Label and those YA OGNs so hard.

We also have to consider the fact that American comics are in a battle (that they are very much losing) with manga, which has the bulk of its sales though tankobon volumes. The industry needs trades out because that's a big market to tap into, and it gets their books more visibility, as they'll be in bookstores, libraries, school book fairs, Amazon, and services like In Stock Trades. Why on earth would the publishers want to stifle that?

The LCS owners would have been better off asking for trade exclusivity, so they get the trades say 28 days before all those other services do. That's still a little unreasonable, since a lot of people who buy trades don't have a LCS nearby or even live in other countries, but it would be more beneficial to the LCS than outright delaying them.


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
Spider-Man by Jean Giraud (Moebius)



Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014
I didn't know Diamondback was that strong. Is that Defenders run good?
I read one of the first issues so I recognize the artwork, but other than that I couldn't tell you...

I believe it was written by Bendis though, so draw your own conclusions... :mjgrin:
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2 Up 2 Down

May 4, 2012

Honestly I have gotten really bored with most modern day super hero books. I got a bunch of Marvel and DC titles I bought on comixology but for whatever reason the current stuff isn't clicking anymore but I can still read some of the older stuff. However, even with the older stuff I have to really be in the mood.
I mentioned earlier that I have been reading Love and Rockets, and I'm flying through that. It's a slice-of-life book but it's grabbing my intention more than the super hero titles. Starting to dig deeper into other underground/alternative comics I seen and heard of but never read.
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May 7, 2012
Yeah a lot of them are more hobbyists than businessmen, and it shows when they complain about the most basic aspect of business: competition. :francis:

But the LCS sell trades too, so it doesn't even make sense to delay them. In fact, they'd be losing a portion of their sales. Sometimes people will buy a trade and if they like it, they'll get the latest floppies to get caught up. You push trades back and it'll be near impossible to do that. It's not the most popular way to read, but it does happen. So they'd only be losing out on their own potential sales.

Are you speaking from the perspective of the comic shop or the fan? Either way, it's not for the average person who comes in every Wednesday to get the latest books. It's for the section who purposely waits for the trade, either for price, or because they prefer reading that way, or they just like having a bookshelf full of graphic novels. But whatever the case, the vast majority of those people trade wait for a reason. It's not like they're just gonna start buying floppies instead.

I also disagree that not everything needs to be collected in trade. The only times issues should be left out is if they're tie-ins to crossovers, or the odd Free Comic Book Day issue that's usually nothing but a recap of the series.

I strongly disagree. The trades are a huge part of the market. There's a reason DC has been pushing Black Label and those YA OGNs so hard.

We also have to consider the fact that American comics are in a battle (that they are very much losing) with manga, which has the bulk of its sales though tankobon volumes. The industry needs trades out because that's a big market to tap into, and it gets their books more visibility, as they'll be in bookstores, libraries, school book fairs, Amazon, and services like In Stock Trades. Why on earth would the publishers want to stifle that?

The LCS owners would have been better off asking for trade exclusivity, so they get the trades say 28 days before all those other services do. That's still a little unreasonable, since a lot of people who buy trades don't have a LCS nearby or even live in other countries, but it would be more beneficial to the LCS than outright delaying them.

Co sign trades being crucial.

Trades are absolutely crucial these days, as that's how the majority of new readers are onboarded these days.

Hell, some publishers like Image are damn near living off trades. Image almost always prices the first TPB super cheap to reel people in, and most end up staying on after they catch up.

Also, the term "trade waiting" exists for a very real, very tangible reason.