I’m yet to travel internationally since the pandemic started but my dad has come the states from Nigeria like 4 times since the pandemic started.
Even worse is I had time off when I switched jobs last year but didn’t pull the trigger
Where you thinking of? I thought about that, but PST sucks. If I was still on the East coast I could dip to Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and stay in the same timezone or close to it.
If my company HQ was in London I could be remote pretty much anywhere in Africa
You should ASAP. Companies are getting hip to the nomad lifestyle and are putting some restrictions in place/increasing their digital monitoring (unless you work for yourself).
Biggest issue I have with the global working remote thing is the time zone. If you’re on the East Coast in the US and gotta keep to 9-5 business hours, working remotely in Europe or Africa will have you starting your workday at 2/3pm and ending at 10/11pm.
It really only works if you go due south (Latin America)…
Preciate it, my company is open (with notice) however and has offices everywhere- one of our coworkers was living on her boat, a bunch are state hopping/road tripping and I’ve already primed them for it.
2-10 is interesting, I’ll mull that over. Thinking around May have some things to get done and hunker down around winter time-and away from the East Coast now. Semi-Permanently.