Hmm.., let's see if I qualify:
- Been to 22 countries
- Self employed since 25
- Went to a top 5 school for my field
- F*cked every race and major ethnicity, and have f*cked on 4 continents
- Speaks 4 languages fluently, 6 semi-fluently, and basics in 8 languages
- Have been in life or death situations
- Have been in the company of billionaires/millionaires
- Could of have played Division II ball (I know it's weak, but wanted to show I am somewhat athletic
- Have eaten stuff that would make you cringe
- I can play two instruments well, and know the basics for two more
Primary Interest: women
Secondary Interest: anything to kick the time
For me to complete my journey to the pinnacle of what is a Renaissance man, I would like to formulate some new theories that affect physics or math, but I don't think that'll happen
In seriousness, in response to the OP, the most important thing to being a "Renaissance Man" or a "most interesting man in the world" type dude is gain financial independence. Unfortunately, most of us weren't born into rich families, so that means we need to hustle first. Get that education, so you're not a dummy, then get on your grind. Then once you got that cash flow, you need to travel. From traveling, and learning about new cultures, and smashing women from different places, and being put onto different concepts, you will develop into a "renaissance man", or a person with remarkable experiences and viewpoints on life.